2025-02-15 12:27:21
· 1:25000
· 1:50000

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Index sheet RKKA maps in scale 1:200000. Maps in blue are digitalized in resolution 200 dpi. Maps marked in red are digitalized in resolution 400 dpi.
Sheets of RKKA operational maps in scale 1:200000 cover the area, obtained dividing the map in scale 1:1000000 into 18 parts. The coordinates system of RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 - 1931. Sheets of RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 printed in color. Maps frame size- 40' latitude and 2 deg. longitude. Longitude considered from Greenwich.

RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 (first ant third type) have dimension 40 min x 1 deg. and 1 deg.20 min. x 2 deg. (see indexes below).
RKKA 1:200000
RKKA 1:200000

The name of RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 (first type) consists of name of RKKA map in scale 1:1000000 (international map) and Roman number which indicate position RKKA map in scale 1:200000 on international map. Name of RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 (third type) indicates which maps are integrated into one sheet, additional the name of biggest populated place is given.
In collection we collected cuple maps of two big areas:
RKKA 1:200000
First area of available RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 (NW Poland, N Germany)

RKKA 1:200000
Second area of available RKKA maps in scale 1:200000 (S.Peterburg and surrounds)

RKKA map in scale 1:200000 N-34-II Klaipeda.
As example of RKKA maps in scale - RKKA map in scale 1:200000 N-34-II Klaipeda.
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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