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Topographical Map Symbols of RUSSIAN MAPS (Period of Russian Empire)
Topographical Map Symbols of three verst maps (1:126000) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of three verst maps (1:126000, vers.2) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of two verst maps (1:84000) and half verst (1:21000) originals you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of ten verst maps (1:420000) of European part of Russia you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of Special map of West Russia in scale 10 verst per inch (1:420000) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of one verst maps (1:42000) and partially two verst (1:84000) and tree verst maps (1:126000) (different edition) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of one verst maps (1:42000) you can finf THERE (different edition).
Topographical Map Symbols of 40- verst maps (1:168000) you can finf THERE
Topographical Map Symbols of maps of waterways you can find THERE.
Topographical map Symbols of cadastral maps and plans you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of LITHUANIAN MAPS (Period 1918-1940)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000 maps you can find THERE (PART I).
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000 maps you can find THERE (PART II).
Topographical Map Symbols (additional symbols) of 1:100000 maps you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:400000 maps you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of Lithuanian maps (edition 1921) and tactical maps symbols you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of LATVIAN MAPS (Period 1918-1940)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000 maps you can find THERE
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:75000 maps you can find THERE
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:200000 maps you can find THERE
Topographical Map Symbols of Polish MAPS
Topographical Map Symbols of WIG 1:25000, 1:100000, 1:300000 maps you can find THERE.
Topographic map symbols and signs of WIG 1:10000 and 1:1:25000 maps you can find THERE (edition 1931 y.)
Topographic map symbols and signs of WIG 1:25000, 1:100000 and 1:300000 maps you can find THERE (edition 1937 y.)
Topographic map symbols and signs of map of Kingdom Poland (scale 1:126000, 1839-1843) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of RKKA, GS, GUGK MAPS (period of Soviet Russia)
Symbols and signs of Topographic Maps and Plans of seecharts, edition 1937, link THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1000000 RKKA maps (edition 1940 y.) you can find THERE.
Tactical maps symbols of RKKA maps (edition 1942 y.) you can find THERE (PDF 2 MB).
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 RKKA maps (edition 1944 y.) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 Soviet maps (edition 1946 y.) you can find THERE. (in Russian)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:10000 Soviet maps (edition 1954 y.) you can find THERE. (in russian)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:10000 Soviet maps (edition 1956 y.) you can find THERE. (in Russian)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1000000 Soviet maps (edition 1958 y.) you can find THERE. (in English)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 of Soviet maps (edition 1963 y.) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1000000 Soviet maps (edition 1966 y.) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map symbols of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 Soviet maps (edition 1973) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:10000 Soviet maps (edition 1977 y.) you can find THERE. (in Russian)
Topographical Map Symbols of 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000 Soviet maps (edition 1983 y.) you can find THERE. (in Russian).
Topographical Map symbols of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 Soviet maps (edition 1989) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps
Tactical maps symbols of German maps (in Russian language, translated by GS RKKA, 1941 you can find THERE (45 MB).
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps scale 1:25000, 1:100000, 1:300000 (edition 1941) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps in scale 1:25000 you can find THERE (V1).
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps in scale 1:25000 you can find THERE (V2).
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps in scale 1:25000 (also Urmesstischblatts) you can find THERE.
Topographical Map Symbols of German military-geographical maps you can finf THERE (1944).
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps from set  Karte des Westlichen Russlands (WWI, 1:100000) you can find THERE
Topographical Map Symbols of German maps from set Karte des Deutschen Reiches (edition till WWI, 1:100000) you can find THERE
Topographic Map signs, symbols and abbreviations of AMS maps
Topographic Map signs, symbols and abbreviations of AMS maps (1943 y. FM21-30) you can finf THERE.

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Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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