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1:50000 (1914-1919)
Map of Curonia in scale 1:50000 (karte von Kurland 1:50000), index (link)

During First World War German topographers prepared and published map on terrirories of part of present Latvia - Curonia in scale 1:50000. This set had original name Karte von Kurland 1:50000. Set covers also territories of north Lithuania (see index).

Karte von Kurland

Index of German maps from set Karte von Kurland 1:50000 on territories of Latvia and North Lithuania (maps marked in blue were digitalized)

Maps from set Karte von Kurland 1:50000 during WWI were prepared by German topographers using Russian 1, 2 verst maps (1:42000, 1:84000) of Russian Empire. Content on maps Karte von Kurland 1:50000 identic to 1, 2-verst maps of Russian Empire, but some place-names on maps from set Karte von Kurland 1:50000 were in German. Maps are named as Russian 2-verst maps by 2 numbers: first number (Roman) shows row, second number (Arabic) shows position of map in row, additionally maps named by name of biggest populated-place on map. Example of name: III-12 Talsen. Size of each map 15′ latitude x 27′ longitude, longitude was considered from Pulkovo (size of map - 55 x 57 cm). On frames name of map, set, publisher, year of publishing, scale were given.

VI-16 Bauske

Fragment of map VI-16 Bauske from set Karte von Kurland 1:50000 (1917, showing border between Lithuania and Latvia), it is interesting that before 1917 name of nation Lithuania (in German Litauen) on this map was given

German WWI period maps in scale 1:50000 showing Livonia (part of Latvia)
German topographers (18 sureveying Department, Vermessungsabteilung Nr.18) during First World War as Planmaterial der 8 Armee republished Russian maps in scale 1:42000 (1 verst per inch). Set of maps in scale 1:50000 shows territories of Latvia named Livonia (see index below). Content of republished maps practically the same as in Russian 1- verst maps, only placenames were trasfered into German language. Size of maps 50x50 cm.
Numbering maps in scale 1:50000 stayed as Russian 1-verst (1:42000) maps: maps named by number (1-95) with name of bigest population place on map. Maps wre printed in one color, press low quality. On frames printed name of map, scale, other information.

maps of Livonia
Index of German WWI period maps in scale 1:50000 showing Livonia (part of Latvia)

Livonia 1:50000
Fragment of German WWI period maps in scale 1:50000 showing Livonia (part of Latvia) Nr.39 Netskenhof
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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