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Index sheet of graphical part (maps, plans) of description of Lithuania and Latvia boundary (1928 y.)

Index sheet of graphical part (maps, plans) of description of Lithuania and Latvia boundary (1928 y.).

Collection consists of textual (PDF) and graphical (separate maps in JPG) parts.

Map Nr.24 of description of boundary between Lithuania and Latvia (1928 y.).
Map Nr.24 of description of boundary between Lithuania and Latvia (1928 y.). See index sheet.
Plan of Vilnius, 1940, scale 1:12500.

Military topography department of GS MoD in 1940 prepared and published plan of Vilnius in scale 1:12500.

Maps of Gaižiūnai firing

Two maps were designed for Gaižiūnai firing- first in scale 1:100000 and second in scale 1:50000 (published in 1932). Map in scale 1:100000 was published till 1932 has size 12x12 cm (6′x10′). Every 5 kilometers was drawn black grid. Boundary of firing was not shown. Author of this map is unknown.

Map in scale 1:50000 was published in 1932 using generalized maps in scale 1:25000 -“448 Jonava“, 1930, author R.Pesys, „449 Gegužynas“,1931, author A.Kučinskas, „475 Kalnėnai“, 1931m., author R.Pesys and „476 Palomenis“, 1931, author R.Pesys. Boundary of firing was shown by 0,5 cm red line. Every 2 kilometers was drawn red grid. Map has size 34x47 cm (12′x15′).

Gaižiūnai 1:50000

Gaižiūnai 1:100000
Maps of Gaižiūnai firing in scale 1:50000 Maps of Gaižiūnai firing in scale 1:100000

Maps showing territories of parceling (dividing) estates, subdividing villages to granges in Lithuania at period 1919-1939.

Maps showing territories of parceling (dividing) estates, subdividing villages to granges in Lithuania at period 1919-1939. Maps were based on German maps in scale 1:100000 named "Karte des Westlichen Russlands". We found these maps in private collection. Maps were photographed till II WW, negatives were made on glass plates (dimensions 6x8 cm.), condition of negatives now are mean... Part maps (originals) showing parceling estates were found in archive. Still are missed 2 maps - O19 and P20.

Subdividing villages in Lithuania 1919-1939

Index sheet showing digitalized maps (based on maps from German maps set "Karte des Westlichen Russlands" of parceling (dividing) estates, subdividing villages to granges in Lithuania at period 1919-1939. Digitalized maps marked in blue (b.w. scans) and in green (colored maps).

M24 Kalwarija 1:100000

Fragment of original (not photographed) map of parceling (dividing) estates, subdividing villages to granges in Lithuania at period 1919-1939. Map based on German map M24 Kalwarija from set "Karte des Westlichen Russland". Fragment of map shows dividing of estates Kalvarija, Orija, Janavas...

Estate Grabowka

Fragment of original map of parceling (dividing) estates to granges in Lithuania at period 1919-1939. Map based on German map M24 Kalwarija from set "Karte des Westlichen Russland". Fragment of map shows dividing of estates Grabauka, Dotamai (on map Detomiszki, Grabowka, in 1922 these esates were at district Vilkaviškis, administrative unit Bartininkai).

By parceling estates new small territories (mostly 4-8 ha) were released to new owners (landless peasants, volunteers, soldiers). Process of parceling of estates started practically after First World War and continued till 1940. It was parceled more than 1000 estates in Lithuania. For each paceled estate was plan of parceling made. Mostly plans were in scale 1:5000 (size about 2x1 m.). On plans usually was explication where all new owners were listed, all new territories were drawn, landed by coloring was shown also. As example estate Grabauka (Grabowka in Polish) in 1922 was divided into more than 40 parts. New owners were:

Pijus Jašinskas, Jonas Lukoševičius, Jonas Savickas, Juozas Zinkevičius, Jonas Petrulis, Jurgis Navikas, Juozas Četvertinskas, Jonas Kerevičius, Vincas Rožaitis, Jonas Ališauskas, Motiejus Ališauskas, Vincas Razumauskas, Antanas Blauzdžiūnas, Mikas Živilas, Jonas Mečeckas, Kazys Eidukevičius, Jokimas Pakulis, Jonas Balanda, Andrius Eidukevičius, Petras Glaveckas, Petras Venclova, Juozas Kerevičius, Pijušas Mikolaitis, Pijušas Navickas, Andrius Čereška, Ona Rožaitienė, Cicilija Šitkauskienė, Juozas Andriuškevičius, Jonas Mikalauskas, Kazys Mykolaitis, Juozas Bagdonas, Uršulė Mackevičaitė, Jonas Griškaitis, Tomas Birštonas, Agota Ligmalienė, Jonas Pakulis, Jonas Zajenkauskas, Juozas Navickas, Kazys Abraitis (?), Jonas Kavaliauskas, Kazys Kotkė.

Dividing of estate Grabowka

Plan showing parceling of estate Grabowka (Grabauka) in 1922, 1:5000. As result village Skroblai was created (Grab in Polish and Skroblas in Lithuanian - Hornbeam).

Pijušas Mikolaitis

One new owner Pijušas Mikolaitis with daughter and her infants

Cadastral map from period inter-war Lithuania. Example (Village Trakai, Kaunas district)

I case of planning civil agencies of Lithuania government were prepared cadastral maps. Mostly cadastral maps were in scale 1:5000 (rarely 1:2500, 1:10000). Situation elements on cadastral maps showing only bounds of parcel, villages, main roads, bounds of woods. Cadastral maps were prepared and published mostly in color. As example is given cadastral map of village Trakai near Kaunas in comparison with inter-war Lithuanian map in scale 1:25000.

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