Maps in scale 1:25000 on firing Pabradė prepared and published in 1940 by Military topography department of GS MoD.
All cartographical, geodesic and topographical materials prepared in period of independence of Lithuania (1918-1940) after 1940, when Lithuania was annexed by Soviet Union, were shipped to Soviet Union and were loosed. Not enough materials, publications about final cartographical publications and works of Military topography department of GS MoD were survived.
We are presenting new information about Lithuanian maps in scale 1:25000 which were prepared and published in 1940 and cowered firing Pabradė (from 1923 till 1939 Polish administration). These six maps in scale 1:25000 were prepared and published using Russian half verst maps (1:21000) or maps from set "Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (1:25000), 1914-1917" (these maps were prepared using Russian half verst/one verst maps, so practically no differences). Titles of these maps were also like Russian half verst maps. Lithuanian maps XI-19-J, XI-20-A, XI-20-D, XI-20-E, XI-20-G, XII-20-A covered firing Pabradė (also named Pažeimenė, Švenčionėliai) and part of them - state’s border between Lithuania and Soviet Union (border 1939 X-1940 VI). Names of population places, rivers and lakes were translated into Lithuanian (some names were missed, some not translated (outside Lithuania)), on maps were marked (in blue) boundaries of firing Pabradė and (in blue too, different marking) border between Lithuania and Soviet Union.

General view of six maps XI-19-J, XI-20-A, XI-20-D, XI-20-E, XI-20-G, XII-20-A covering firing Pabradė, 1:25000, 1940
It is interesting that content of maps XI-19-J, XI-20-A, XI-20-D, XI-20-E, XI-20-G, XII-20-A covering firing Pabradė is not updated according new cartographical material (available sources: WIG maps 1:100000, 1:25000, RKKA maps). Possible assumptions: in 1940 Department of Military topography hadn't new up-to-date foreign cartographical material (possible: maps XI-19-J, XI-20-A, XI-20-D, XI-20-E, XI-20-G, XII-20-A were made at half field conditions), it was no time to update/recognize old material preparing maps, department had task only show boundary and border of range.

These six maps were mentioned in German II WW’s publication “Plancheft...„Sonderausgabe Litauen 1:25000 (Ballenbezeichnung Esu (Elt 25)“.

updated 2011 09 09