2025-02-15 18:26:34
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1:25000 (1 cm - 250 meters) maps of the Soviet Union (after 1945).
Dividing soviet maps in scale 1:50000 into 4 parts come a map in scale 1:25000. Name of maps in scale 1:25000 similar as name maps in scale 1:50000 - Cyrilic letters а, б, в, г (a, b, v, g) indicates position (quarter) of 1:25000 map into 1:50000 map. More (link). As example of name of 1:25000 map: N-34-12-A-a. Maps in scale 1:25000 have dimension 5′ latitude x 7′30” longitude (size of map approximately 37x33 cm, on Lithuania), each map in scale 1:25000 covers about 72-76 km2.
Soviet maps in scale 1:25000 were released in 2 different coordinates systems: 1942 y. c.s and 1963 y. c.s. (More about 1963 y. c.s there).

index 1:25000 maps
Index of soviet 1:25000 maps (1942 y. c.s., SK-42), territory of present Lithuania.

1:25000 index
Index of soviet 1:25000 maps (1963 y. c.s., SK-63), territory of present Lithuania.

As example of soviet 1:25000 (1942 y. c.s) map N-35-1-Г-в (Панявежис), 1950

As example of soviet 1:25000 (1963 y. c.s) map C-48-22-Г-г, 1983

Till WWII maps in scale 1:25000 on territories of present Lithuania published: German topographers (Messtischblatt, TK25 - on territories of district Klaipėda/Memel), Polish topographers (Mapa szczegolowa 1:25000 - on territories of Vilnius/Wilno district), topographers of inter-war Lithuania (maps in scale 1:25000, middle Lithuania). Whole territory of Lithuania first covered soviet map in scale 1:25000, which was created and published by General Staff of Soviet army after WWII (1945-1952). Picture below shows year of creating (or survey) 1:25000 maps after WWII.

Index showing year of creating (or survey) 1:25000 soviet maps on territory of Lithuania after WWII (index can be enlarged)

Soviet military topographers by creating 1:25000 maps used aeropicture and different sources to draw relief (every 5 m.): on Klaipėda district were used German maps (TK25), on territories of South and central Lithuania were used other old maps (Lithuanian 1:25000 maps... ), on part of Lithuania in 1949-1950 was made original survey. Original survey on whole Lithuania was finished only in 1959.
Maps in scale 1:25000 were updated differently: some maps (near see, border near Poland) were updated and republished 4-5 times, on east territories - 1-2 times.
Interesting that General Staff of Soviet army published 1:25000 maps only in 1942 y. c.s., civilian institutions after 1967 published 1:25000 maps in 1963 y. c.s. Content of both (1942 y. c.s and 1963 y. c.s.) maps was identical.
Second interesting fact that civilian and military institutions worked on 1:25000 parallel. Sometimes (it hapend often) content and principle of showing separate buildings, roads on civilian and military maps were not identic.
Topographical Map Symbols of RKKA, GS, GUGK MAPS (period of Soviet Russia) you can found THERE.
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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