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1:21000 (0,5-verst maps)
Index sheet of maps in scale 1:21000 (0,5 verst per inch) over Lithuania (link)

In early 1880-th qualitatively new survey in scale 1:21000 on territories of present Estonia, Latvia (partially), Lithuania, Poland, west Belarus, Ukraine started (later, 1900-1917 similar survey in scale was continued in east territories). According originals of survey maps in scale 1:21000 were published. Longitude of 1:21000 scale maps (half verst per inch) considered from Pulkovo. The size of maps is 9' longitude and 5’ latitude, or 45,7 x 44,2 cm (at 55 ° latitude). Projection - polyhedral (polygonal). Area of map in scale 1:21000 is 1/9 of maps in scale 1:84000. Numbering maps in scale 1:21000 was done by adding letters A, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ж, З, И (in Cirilic) to name of maps in scale 1:84000. Letters indicated position of map in quadrat (map 1:84000). Maps in scale 1:21000 (0,5 vesrt maps) started publishing in the 1880-th, when original survey began. Maps in scale 1:21000 were published only in strictly defined areas of strategic value. According to maps in scale 1:21000 (original survey in the same scale) were produced maps in scale 1:42000 (content the same). Maps in scale 1:21000 on territories of present Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland were printed in one colour.

Using originals of suvey in scale 1:21000 RKKA topographers published maps in scale 1:25000 (1938-1939, maps' name according 0,5 verst maps) on territories of east Lithuania, west Belarus, Ukraine, east Poland (territories of interests of Soviet Russia till beginning of WWII). Also originals of suvey in scale 1:21000 were used by preparing RKKA maps according new (acc. international map in scale 1:1000000) numeration.

German topographers during WWI prepared and published maps in scale 1:25000 (set Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets). These maps were prepared using Russian maps in scale 1:21000 (1:42000). Some messtischblatts (TK25) on territories of Lithuania, Belarus, Poland were prepared using material of suvey in scale 1:21000.

WIG (Polish inter-war maps) published early maps in scale 1:25000 as reprints of Russian maps in scale 1:21000.

1:21000 maps on territory of Lithuania

Index showing 1:21000 (half verst per inch) maps on territory of present Lithuania


Example of map in scale 1:21000 (0,5 verst per inch) XII-15-E, Kaunas and surroundings, 1889 (link to full size map)

In collection we have these digitalized half-verst maps:


Kaunas and surrounds, joined 9 maps in scale 1:21000 XII-15-Б, XII-15-В, XII-15-Д, XII-15-E, XII-15-З, XII-15-И, XII-16-A, XII-16-Г, XII-16-Ж, 1913.

Warszawa and surrounds, joined 4 maps in scale 1:21000 XXII-9-A, XXII-9-Б, XXII-9-Г, XXII-9-Д, XXII-9-Ж, XXII-9-З, XXIII-9-A, XXIII-9-Б, 1891.

A little bit different maps in scale 1:21000 were created and published on territory of Finland. Practically all south part of Finland was covered by maps 1:21000. Maps were published in color.

Finland 1:21000

Index of maps in scale 1:21000 (0,5 verst per inch) on territories of Finland (digitalized maps marked in blue)

1:21000 Finland VI-30 Helsingfors

Fragment of map in scale 1:21000 on Finland VI-30, Helsingfors, 1886)

Comparison of verst scale maps of Russian empire (the same territory, maps and survey from period 1880-1917) you can find THERE.

Updated in 30 January 2013

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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