Ch.F. von Wrede War map of Silesia (Krieges-Carte von Schlesien), 1:33333, 1747-1753, index (link)
Christian Friedrich von Wrede - engineering major, cartographer, in the years 1747-1753 made on behalf of the Prussian King Frederick II new cartographic measurements of Silesia (without Austrian part), as pre-drawn maps were unfit for military purposes. New atlas according measurements of Silesia had 195 sheets (maps) in scale 1:33333 and had name "Krieges-Carte von Schlesien" (War map of Silesia). Atlas was bound in red leathern cover.
Maps have size 73x52 cm, with the same size of maps without frames - 60x43 cm. On the right side of the map is a list of cities including giving the owner, the number of citizens / peasants, cottagers and crofters and horses.
Carefully drawn sections (maps) contain a lot of valuable data. There are marked all buildings - the stables, farms, churches, monasteries and chapels, castles and castle ruins, mail stations, stone and wooden bridges, crossings, windmills, water mills, sawmills , brickyards, lime kilns, glassworks, ironworks, mines...
Atlas now is in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Prussian Kulturbesitz. By the way, in 1992 atlas was republished:
Krieges-Carte von Schlesien – 1747-1753
Monumenta cartographica et topographica / Monumenta cartographica et topographica
Christian Friedrich von Wrede
Klaus Lindner
Lengenfelder, 1992
ISBN 3892195005, 9783892195009

General view of one of the maps (20) from Krieges-Carte von Schlesien (War map of Silesia, Christian Friedrich von Wrede, 1:33333, 1747-1753)

Fragment of map Nr.20 from Krieges-Carte von Schlesien (War map of Silesia, Christian Friedrich von Wrede, 1:33333, 1747-1753)