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POLISH MAPS (1770-1939)
Index sheet of maps from catalog Topographic map of Kingdom of Poland in scale 1:126000 (1839-43)
After the Congress of Vienna in 1815 was created the Polish Kingdom in consist of the Russian Empire. Part of instituted Polish armed forces was Logistic force (Kwatermistrzostwo Generalne). One of the tasks of these forces was production of topographic maps. Development new maps of Kingdom of Poland began in 1822. To produce maps used maps of Russian Empire, Germany, Austria and polish road, holdings maps. Topographical picture was taken in scale 1:42000, map compiled in scale 1:126000 (in inches three werst). It was planned to finish the map in 1836, but the Russian-Turkish War (1828), the Revolt in 1831, the effects of which were disbanded armed forces of Kingdom of Poland, had influence and maps to time were not finished. Maps were finished by topographers from Corps military topographers (Russian Empire). Maps were finished in 1839, the first edition of Topographic map of Kingdom of Poland in scale 1:126000 was issued in 1843.

Lenkijos Kongreso karalyst4s žemėlapis 1839

Index sheet of Topographic map of Kingdom of Poland, scale 1:126000 (1839-1843)

Maps from set were numbered according column (see index sheet Kol1-Kol7) and position into column (section I-section X): example Kol.V-Sek.III. Projection of maps- Bonne. As shown in picture (see below), Polish cartographers finished 27 maps from set, 6 maps were partially finished. Rest of maps finished Russian topographers in period 1831-1839.

rinktinis 1839

By sloping shading shown maps prepared and published by Polish topographers, by shading shown maps prepared by Polish topographers but published by Russian body, rest of maps were prepared and published by Russian topographers

L: Kartografia Krolestwa Polskiego 1815-1915. PAN Warszawa 2000.

Lenkijos Karalystė 1:126000 1:126000
Map VI-1 (link) Map VII-1 (link)
Lenkijos Karalystė žemėlapis Lenkijos Karalystė XIX a.
Map VI-2 (link) Map VII-2 (link)
Lenkijos Karalystė žemėlapis 3 varstai colyje Lenkijos Karalystė žemėlapis
Map VI-3 (link) Map VII-3 (link)

Maps from set Topographic map of Kingdom of Poland in scale 1:126000 showing territories of present Lithuania (scale 1:126000, maps published in 1839. Some corrections after 1850-60 observed: new roads, railroads add)

Example/comparison (fragment) of map from catalog Topographic map of Kingdom of Poland in scale 1:126000 is also there.
Fragments of map XIII-Wilno from the collection W. Chrzanowski "Map of ancient Poland" (1840-59) and map XXVII of the collection "Spec. Map of western Russia" (Schubert, 1849)
Emigrated Polish cartographers have created and in 1859 issued a "Map of ancient Poland" - Karta dawnej Polski z przyległemi okolicami krajow sąsiednich według nowszych materyałow na 1:300000. Wojciech Chrzanowski. Paryż 1840-1859. Atlas (1 +48 maps). 51x66 cm.
Index sheet.
In collection we have 48 maps of the atlas.

Atlas "Poland - Lithuania battles in Suvalkija in 1920"

Set of maps showing Poland - Lithuania battles in 1920 (15 maps with position of Polish and Lithuanian units during battles in 1920, maps prepared using WIG 1:100000 maps). Maps published in publication Studia taktyczne z historii wojny Polskiej 1918-1921 Tom XIV „Walki Polsko-Litewskie na Suwalszczyźnie we wrześniu 1920 r. Atlas map“. Opracował Jozef Smoleński. Warszawa 1938 Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne. All maps can be downloaded (300 dpi, jpg).

Map, date (postions, moving of units) Size, link
1. Index (clean map 1:100000) 12 MB
2. Position of units on 02.09.1920 morning 6 MB
3.  Position of units on 02.09.1920 6 MB
4. Position of units on 03.09.1920 24:00. 6 MB
5.  Position of units on  04.09.1920 21:00. 6 MB
6.  Position of units on  05.09.1920 12:00-18:00. 6 MB
7.  Position of units on  06.09.1920 22:00. 6 MB
8. Position of units on 10.09.1920 21:00. 6 MB
9. Position of units on 13.09.1920 6:00. 6 MB
10.  Position of units on 21.09.1920 20:00. 6 MB
11. Position of units on 22.09.1920 8:00. 3 MB
12.  Position of units on 22.09.1920 13:30 3 MB
13.  Position of units on 22.09.1920 15:00. 3 MB
14. Position of units on 22.09.1920 16:30. 3 MB
15.  Position of units on  23.09.1920 24:00. 6 MB
J.Kolberg "Atlas Krolestwa Polskiego..." (Atlas of Kingdom of Poland), 1826-27

Atlas of Kingdom of Poland prepared by J.Kolberg in 1826-27 consists of 8 maps. Each map shows district of Kingdom of Poland.

Size of maps from this atlas is 43x57 cm, scale-1:530000. Also on maps is statistical description of districts.

As example- map of Augustow district (Wojewodztwo).

Augustavas 1827

Rizzi Zannoni Atlas of Poland and Lithuania (1772) (review map as index sheet)
Atlas of Poland and Lithuania (original name of atlas Carte de la Pologne Diviseé par Provinces et Palatinats et Subdivisée par Districts : Construite d'apres quantité d'Arpentages d'Observations et de Mesures prises sur les Lieux : Dediée a son Altesse Le Prince Prusse-Vindes Joseph Alexandre Jablonowski Palatin de Nowgrod) published by Rizzi Zannoni in 1772 consists of 22 maps (in scale 1:700000), plan of Warszawa and review map of Poland and Lithuania (in scale 1:4000000).
All maps are digitalized (see index sheet).
Atlas Poland and Lithuania
Maps of Warsaw and surroundings (1819-1860)

After Napoleonic war during the period of Polish Kingdom (till 1831) in Poland operate two cartographic-topographic services: Army Corps of Engineers and the General Quartermaster of the Polish Army headed by Gen. Maurice Hauke. Topographical Bureau Quartermaster lead measurements and mapping of the country. The result of these works have become numerous topographical maps on which the Map od Kingdom of Poland (in scale 1:126000) was developed. In 1819 and 1820 have been prepared and issued by the Quartermaster General of Army two maps of the area of Warsaw in the scale of 1:21 000, the first in a four-sheet version, the second version of the 6-sheet-. These maps drawn up in the western orientation.

Warsaw 1818

Fragment of 6-sheets map of Warsaw and surroundings, 1820 scale 1:21000

In 1829 was published map in scale 1:4200 on 9 sheets as version maps, which described above, covering areas Warsaw and surroundings. The first time, the message mapping provide as accurate picture of the topographical section of Warsaw. In relation to the earlier communications, an important novelty was the upgraded highway Modliński. Earlier versions of maps from the years 1819 and 1820 contained a still marked by a dotted line, fragments used for the reconstruction of this important communication route. Original name of this map (in Polish) "Plan miasta stolecznego Warszawy z roskazu Jego Cesarzewiczowskiej Mosci Wielkiego Xieciz Konstantego...".

Warsaw 1829

Fragment of 9-sheets map of Warsaw and surroundings, 1829 scale 1:4200

Map of Warsaw and surroundings created using survey from y. 1836 (renewed in 1860) on 6 sheets in scale 1:16800. Each sheet have dimension 54x54 cm. and published in one color. Original name of this map (in Russian) Карта окрестностей Варшавы.

Warsaw 1829 1860

Fragment of map of Warsaw and surroundings from 1836 y.

All maps described above are in digital version available in our collection.

Updated in 2010 07 29.

Atlas of economies Szawli (Siauliai), Grodno, Brest and Olita (Alytus), 1780.

Atlas of economies Szawli (Siauliai), Grodno, Brest and Olita (Alytus), published in 1780 y. shows administrative units (gubernia) of economies. All these economies administered Antoni Tyzenhaus (1733-1785). Atlas consists of 15 maps (see below) and 11 tables which shows distances between cities, population and other statistical information.

More about Antoni Tyzenhaus in wikipedia.

More about economy Siauliai (in Lithuanian language) in wikipedia.

Atlas consists of: (maps and tables are given in original)
1. Ekonomia Grodzienska, Gubernia Sokolska, Gubernia Krynska (table),
2. Ekonomia Grodzienska, Gubernia Kwassowska, Gubernia Jezierska (table),
3. Part of forestry Katra, economy Olita (Alytus) (table),
4. Table of distances of economy Grodno,
5. Ekonomia Brzeseska, Gubernia Rudzka, Gubernia Lomazka (table),
6. Ekonomia Brzeseska, Gubernia Pruzanska, Gubernia Kobrynska (table),
7. Bresto ekonomijos girininkijos (table),
8. Table of distances of economy Brest,
9. Ekonomia Szawelska, Gubernia Szawelska, Gubernia Janiska (Joniskis) (table),
10. Ekonomia Szawelska, Gubernia Zagorska (Zagare) (table),
11. Table of distances of economy Szawle (Siauliai),
12. Karta Gubernij Sokolskiey,
13. Karta Gubernij Krynskiey,

Karta Gubernij Krynskiey

14. Karta Gubernij Kwassowskiey,

Karta Gubernij Kwassowskiey

15. Karta Gubernij Jezierskiey,

Karta Gubernij Jezierskiey,

16. Karta Gubernij Lomazkiey,
17. Karta czesci gubernii Olitskiey...,
18. Karta lesnictwa Kotrzanskiego... (ekonomii Grodzienskiey)...,

Economy Grodno

Economy Grodno

19. Karta kwatery Sokolskiey... (ekonomii Grodzienskiey),
20. Karta Gubernij Rudzkiey,
21. Karta Gubernij Mieleczyckiey i Puszcza Bialowieska,
22. Karta Gubernij Pruzanskiey,
23. Karta Gubernij Kobrynskiey z Puszcza,
24. Karta Gubernij Gruzdziewskiey Ekonomij Szawelskiej,
25. Karta Gubernij Janiskiey Ekonomij Szawelskiej,
26. Karta Gubernij Zagorskiey Ekonomij Szawelskiej.

Economy iaula

General view of map of gubernia Zagare of economy Siauliai

Full size of this map you can find following this link.

Map of Grodno economy prepared by Juzef Markiewicz in 1782

Map of Grodno economy prepared by Juzef Markiewicz in 1782 shows forestries, keys (administrative subunits), villages, populated areas, rivers, yards, lakes and other objekts. Map published in 1782 by Jozef Markiewicz.

Map of Grodno economy prepared by Juzef Markiewicz

Fragment of Map of Grodno economy prepared by Juzef Markiewicz, 1782.

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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