2025-01-17 03:45:10

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UK (GSGS) maps from II WW period (Lithuania territory)

Geographical Section General Staff - GSGS - during II WW in cooperation with USA AMS 1941-1944 published sets of maps in scale 1:100000 and 1:250000 covering (partially) Lithuania. Mostly maps prepared by GSGS were reprints of German and Polish maps (till II WW) without any changes. Only some additional information on margins was given.

Maps prepared by GSGS in scale 1:100000 cover East Prussia (set GSGS 4081) also and Klaipeda (Memel) district. Mostly maps from this set were reprints of German maps in scale 1:100000 (published in 1931-1937). Maps from set GSGS 4081 published in one color, were hard readable. Additional information on margins: translated topographic signs and symbols, scale in miles, information about adjacent maps.

GSGS 4081

Fragment of map 5 Tilsit from set GSGS 4081, 1:100000, 1943

Poland and Poland-Lithuania (also Belarus...) border were covered by GSGS maps in scale 1:100000 from set GSGS 4177. Maps from this set were prepared using Polish WIG maps in scale 1:100000 and published as reprints only with additional information on margins.  Additional information on margins: translated topographic signs and symbols, scale in miles, information about adjacent maps.

Maps in scale 1:250000 cover not only Germany, Poland but also part of Lithuania, Belarus. Mostly GSGS maps in scale were prepared using German and Polish maps in scale 1:300000, German maps in scale 1:100000 (also Karte des westlichen Russlands), road, railway maps, also inter-war Lithuania maps in scale 1:400000 (probably in case of place-names).

GSGS maps in scale 1:250000 (set GSGS 4346), named like German maps in scale 1:300000, cover SW part of Lithuania.

GSGS maps in scale 1:250000 (set GSGS 4172), named like Polish WIG maps in scale 1:300000, cover SE part of Lithuania.

GSGS 4346 1:250000

Fragment of map S55 Kaunas from set GSGS 4346, 1:250000, 1944

Geographical Section General Staff - GSGS - at the end of II WW publishing of maps covering East Europe transferred to AMS.

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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