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First Latvian stamps in period of independent Latvia

First Latvian stamps in period of independent Latvia

First Latvian stamps in period of independent Latvia (1918-1940) were printed on German maps from period I WW from set Karte des westlichen Russlands. Designer of stamps was Ansis Cirulis (Zihrulis) (1883-1942), the nominal value of the postage stamps - five kapeiks.

Latvian Stamp Latvian Stamp perfored

Latvian postage stamp, printed on maps Karte des westlichen Russlands


Postage stamps have been printed in Riga. On one map from set Karte des westlichen Russlands was printed in a block of stamps, each consisting of 228 stamps (12 rows of 19 stamps). Each postage stamp size of 16,5 x22 mm.

Block of Latvian stamps

Block of Latvian postage stamps

Postage stamps have been printed not only on reverses of maps, but also on margins and on parts showing Baltic Sea. A total number of stamps were approximately about 2.7 million, of which about 1.1 million perforated.

About 65 (as opposed to data from 56 to 83) different maps from set Karte des westlichen Russlands were used to publish Latvian post stamps (see index sheet below).It should be noted that some of the maps varies according to its original source (see description of set Karte des westlichen Russlands and list of maps).

Index KdWR

Index showing maps from set Karte des westlichen Russland which were used printing Latvian postage stamps.

Interesting examples of Latvian stamps (1918) printed on maps from set Karte des Westlichen Russlands (Map of west Russia) from Jan Ratiborsky (Czech) collection:

Latvian Stamps 1918 H16 H17 H17
Stamp on H16 Stamp on H16 Stamp on H17 Stamp on H17
J17 Stamp on map J17 map J17
Stamp on J17 Stamp on J17 Stamp on J17 perforated Stamp on J17
K18 K18 K19 Stamp on K19
Stamp on K18 Stamp on K18 Stamp on K19 Stamp on K19
L17 Latvian Stamp L18 Latvian stamp 1918
Stamp on L17 Stamp on L17 Stamp on L18 perforated Stamp on L18
L19 L19 M15 Latvian stamp
Stamp on L19 Stamp on L19 Stamp on M15 Stamp on M15
M16 Latvian Stamp 1918 M17 M17
Stamp on M16 perforated Stamp on M16 perforated Stamp on M17 perforated Stamp on M17 perforated
M18 Latvian Stamp M19 M19
Stamp on M18 perforated Stamp on M18 perforated Stamp on M19 perforated Stamp on M19 perforated
N15 N15 N16 Map on N16
Stamp on N15 Stamp on N15 Stamp on N16 Stamp on N16
N17 Stamp on map N18 N18
Stamp on N17 Stamp on N17 Stamp on N18 perforated Stamp on N18 perforated
N19 N19 O14 Latvian Stamp
Stamp on N19 Stamp on N19 Stamp on O14 perforated Stamp on O14 perforated
O15 Stamp on map KDWR O16 O16
Stamp on O15 perforated Stamp on O15 perforated Stamp on O16 Stamp on O16
O17 O17 O18 O18
Stamp on O17 perforated Stamp on O17 perforated Stamp on O18 Stamp on O18
P13 P13 P15 P15
Stamp on P13 Stamp on P13 Stamp on P15 perforated Stamp on P15 perforated
P16 P16 P17 P17
Stamp on P16 perforated Stamp on P16 perforated Stamp on P17 perforated Stamp on P17 perforated
P18 P18
4 stamps on P18 4 stamps on P18 (block)

P19 Latvian stamp on KdWR map Q14 Stamp on map
Stamp on P19 Stamp on P19 Stamp on Q14 Stamp on Q14
Q15 Q15 Q17 Q17
Stamp on Q15 perforated Stamp on Q15 perforated Stamp on Q17 perforated Stamp on Q17 perforated
Q18 Q18 R14 R14
Stamp on Q18 perforated Stamp on Q18 perforated Stamp on R14 perforated Stamp on R14 perforated
R15 R15 R17 Stamp on maps
Stamp on R15 Stamp on R15 Stamp on R17 perforated Stamp on R17 perforated
R18 R18 R19 R19
Stamp on R18 perforated Stamp on R18 perforated Stamp on R19 perforated Stamp on R19 perforated
S15 Latvian stamp S18 S18
Stamp on S15 Stamp on S15 Stamp on S18 Stamp on S18
T15 T15 T17 T17
Stamp on T15 Stamp on T15 Stamp on T17 perforated Stamp on T17 perforated
T18 T18 T19 T19
Stamp on T18 Stamp on T18 Stamp on T19 perforated Stamp on T19 perforated
U16 U16 U17 U17
Stamp on U16 Stamp on U16 Stamp on U17 Stamp on U17
U18 U18 U19 U19
Stamp on U18 Stamp on U18 Stamp on U19 Stamp on U19
N19 N19 Q17 Block of stamps
Block of 6 stamps on N19 Block of 6 stamps on N19 Block of 4 stamps on Q17 Block of 4 stamps on Q17
P17 P17 S16 S16
Block of 2 stamps on P17 Block of 2 stamps on P17 Block of 4 stamps on S16 Block of 4 stamps on S16
S15 S15 Latvian stamps Latvian stamps 1918
Block of 4 stamps on S15 Block of 4 stamps on S15 2 stamps on KdWR map 4 stamps on KdWR map
Q13 Q13 P14 P14
Block of 12 stamps on Q13 Block of 12 stamps on Q13 Block of 4+ stamps on P14 Block of 4+ stamps on P14
Q17 Q17 R14 R14
Block of 6 stamps on Q17 Block of 6 stamps on Q17 Block of 3+ stamps on R14 Block of 3+ stamps on R14
N18 N18
Block of 15 stamps on N18 (perforated) Block of 15 stamps on N18 (perforated)
P14 P14
Block of 10 stamps on P14 (perforated) Block of 10 stamps on P14 (perforated)
P15 P15
Block of 36+ stamps on P15 (perforated) Block of 36+ stamps on P15 (perforated)
T14 T14
Block of 25+ stamps on T14 (perforated) Block of 25+ stamps on T14 (perforated)
T17 T17
Block of 18 stamps on T17 Block of 18 stamps on T17
U15 U15
Block of 28 stamps on U15 Block of 28 stamps on U15
U15 U15
Block of 14 stamps on U15 Block of 14 stamps on U15





The Latvian collector 19, 1977

Latvia map stamps. John Barefoot, European Philately 12

Thanks Jan Ratiborsky.

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