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Comparison of maps from different publishing year, set Karte des westlichen Russlands
Comparison of maps from different publishing year, set Karte des westlichen Russlands

As mentioned in description of set of German I WW maps Karte des westlichen Russlands (Karte des westlichen Rußlands, KdWR), in process of compiling of maps were used different cartographic material: verst scale maps (1-verst per inch/ 1:42000, 2-verst per inch/1:84000) of Russian empire were used mostly. When verst-scale maps on some territories weren't German maps in scale 1:200000 (Reymann maps) were used. Some sheets of KdWR set had insertions of Reymann maps, some sheets were fully with Reymann's maps background. Especially maps from columns P-U had Reymnann's maps insertions. At the beginning I WW, progressively Reymann's insertions were replaced by "normal" background from verst-scale maps.
Also was inter. variant: all content (except relief) was transferred from verst-scale maps, relief was treansferred from Reymann's maps (by some changes, see below examples).
All after-First-war KdWR maps (1918-1923) published by private publishers (in case of Latvia(?), Lithuania, Poland booking) were compiled only from verst-scale maps.
Also maps from rows 39-41 were prepared using Austrian maps, similarly German maps in scale 1:100000 (KdDR) were used (border of KdWR set).
S23 Worniany
Fragment of map S23 Worniany from set KdWR, 1915, all content from Reymann map
KdWR S23
Fragment of map S23 Worniany from set KdWR, 1917, content from 2-verst scale maps (relief shown by shading like in Reymann maps)

KdWR S23 Wornjany

Fragment of map S23 Worniany from set KdWR, 1921, all content from 2-verst scale maps

In literature the following types of maps from collection Karte des Westlichen Russlands (Map of Western Russia) noticed.
Type Ia - content of the map shown in black (conventional signs and symbols) and relef presented by brown contour lines. Maps of this type are prepared using 2-verst maps of the Russian Empire

Karte des westlichen Russlands
An example of the type Ia - map N16 Skajzgiry, 1915

N16 Skajzgiry
An example of the type Ia - map N16 Skajzgiry, 1915 (fragment)

As a variation on this type maps - maps where displayed only the territory of the Russian Empire, the territory of other countries - white field.

J18 Korciany
An example of the type Ia map where displayed only the territory of the Russian Empire - map J18 Korciany

J18 Korciany
An example of the type Ia map where displayed only the territory of the Russian Empire - map J18 Korciany  (fragment)

After the First World War, the Polish Military Institute (WIG) in the early years reprinted maps from set KdWR, but due to poor printing on maps all content (including horizontals) was displayed in black.

R27 Nowogrodek
Example map drom set KdWR published by WIG - map R27 Nowogrodek, 1921 (general view)

Type Ib - content of the map shown in black (conventional signs and symbols) and relef  displayed by brown broad lines. Typically, these maps are found in the columns of S, T, U (eastern area).

U27 Kojdanow
An example of the type Ib map - map U27 Kojdonow, 1917

U27 Kojdonow
An example of the type Ib map - map U27 Kojdonow, 1917 (fragment)

There are maps which part are types Ia and Ib.

U23 Kurenjetz
Example of map type Ia and Ib (mix) - map U23 Kurenjetz, 1917

U23 Kurenjetz
Example of map type Ia and Ib (mix) - map U23 Kurenjetz, 1917 (fragment)
IIa type - all map content transferred from 1:200,000 scale maps, content of maps shown in black (conventional signs and symbols) and  relef displayed by hatching.

S19 Nowo Alexandrowsk
An example of the type IIa map - map S19 Nowo-Alexandrowsk, 1915

S19 Nowo Alexandrowsk
An example of the type IIa map - map S19 Nowo-Alexandrowsk, 1915 (fragment)

Without having a single original cartographic material German cartographers preparing maps from set KdWR use 2-verst (1:84000) maps and 1:200,000 scale maps (mix). Below presented example- map combioned from maps of type Ia with an insert type IIa.

S18 Illukst
Example of map type Ia and IIa (mix) - map S18 Illukst, 1915

S18 Illukst
Example of map type Ia and IIa (mix) - map S18 Illukst, 1915 (fragment)

IIb type - all content transferred from the map of Germany (KDR) scale of 1:100,000. Map content displayed in black (conventional signs and symbols) and relef displayed by  hatching in a scale Lehmann.

J19 Paaschken Szweksznie
An example of the type IIb map - map J19 Paaschken - Szweksznie (or 4 map from set KdR), 1921

An example of the type IIb map - map J19 Paaschken - Szweksznie (or 4 map from set KdR), 1921 (fragment)

Mixed map, types Ia and IIb:

Example of map type Ia and IIb (mix) - map J19 Paaschken - Szweksznie (or 4 map from set KdR), 1913

Example of map type Ia and IIb (mix) - map J19 Paaschken - Szweksznie (or 4 map from set KdR), 1913 (fragment)

It is happen mixed map from  Ia, IIa and IIb types:

B34 Sobotka Kalisz
Example map Ia, IIa and IIb types (mix) - map B34 Sobotka-Kalisz (or 351 map from set KdR), 1914

KDR 351
Example map Ia, IIa and IIb types (mix) - map B34 Sobotka-Kalisz (or 351 map from set KdR), 1914 (fragment)

Next selection to types of maps from set KdWR assigned only to maps that displays the Sea (usually in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). 

Type III - maps on which the sea appears as a white spot.

H15 Libau Nord
An example of a type III map - map H15 Libau (Nord), 1918

H15 Libau Nord
An example of a type III map - map H15 Libau (Nord), 1918 (fragment)

Type IV - maps on which sea appears as a white spot with isobaths (optional digits indicate the depth).

H16 Libau Sued
An example of the type IV maps - map H16 Libau (Süd), 1921

H16 Libau Sud
An example of the type IV maps - map H16 Libau (Süd), 1921 (fragment)

H18 Nimmersatt Krottingen
An example of the type IV maps - map H18 Nimmersatt - Krottingen, 1921 (or 1 map from set KDR)

H18 Nimmersatt Krottingen
An example of the type IV maps - map H18 Nimmersatt - Krottingen, 1921 (or 1 map from set KDR), fragment

V type - maps on which the sea appears isobaths going parallel to the shore.

P13 Wangasch
Example V-type map - map P13 Wangasch, 1917

P13 Wangasch
Example V-type map - map P13 Wangasch, 1917 (fragment)

During I WW German topographers were made several editions of KdWR maps on the same territories (changes not always concerned replacing Reymann's insertions). On upgraded KdWR maps are some complements observed: new narrow railways, bunkers, walls were shown.
M24 Kalwarja
Fragment of map M24 Kalwarja from set KdWR (Lithuania, Gražiškiai district, nearest city Kalvarija), 1915 (no narrow railway)
M24 KdWR
Fragment of map M24 Kalwarja from set KdWR (Lithuania, Gražiškiai district, nearest city Kalvarija), 1921 (narrow railway is shown)
O22 Kowno 1915
Fragment of map O22 Kowno from set KdWR, published acc. old material in 1915
O22 Kowno 1916
Fragment of map O22 Kowno from set KdWR, recc. in 1916, published in 1916. You should see material about set Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (1:25000). Maps covering Kaunas were published in two versions: according old material (1880-1890) and next variand according revised in 1916 material
L: The Latvian Collector I19, 1977.
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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