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1:150000 (Schroetter), 1802-1810 - Index of Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (link)
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Index of Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (link)
In 1796 under the leadership of Friedrich Leopold von Schroter (baron Friedrich Leopold von Schrötter, 1743-1815, more about Friedrich Leopold von Schrötter there and there) started mapping of East Prussia in scale 1:50000. Work completed in 1802 (see below), set of maps „Karte von den Provinzen Litthauen, Ost und West Preussen u.d. Netz Distrikte auf befehl Ihrer Majestäten des Königs Friedrich Wilhelm II und Friedrich Wilhelm III auf Antrag des Staats Ministers und Departements Chefs Freiherrn von Schrötter in den Jahren 1796 bis 1802 vermessen und topographisch aufgenommen von Friedrich Bernhard Engelhardt Königlichem Kriegs und Domainen Rathe und Ban Director in Neu-Ost-Preussen" was created. Based on this mapping in 1802-1810 was released a set of maps Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict in scale 1:150000. Original collection has 25 (26) maps, all maps are digitalized.

Karte Ost Preussen
Title of Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict

Territories of present Lithuania (Klaipėda district) shown on I, II, III maps from set Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict.

Karte Ost Preussen  
I map from set
 Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (link)
Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict 1:150000
II map from set
Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (link) 
III map from set
Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (link) 

Schroetter maps 1:150000
Fragment of map from set Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict in scale 1:150000 showing East Prussia, town Schirwindt.

As supplement to set Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict (scale 1:150000, publishing 1810-1812) was map showing border between Prussia and Duchy of Warsaw after Tilzit agreement in 1807 (orig. named Landes Grenze zwischen dem Koenigsreich Preussen und dem Herzogthum Warschau nach der am 10 November 1807, dem Tilziter Friedens Tractat vom 9 Juli 1807 gemäss, zu Elbing abgeschlossenen Convention und der im Jahr 1808 darauf erfolgten örtlichen Begrenzung, als Supplement , der von Schrötterschen Karte, entworfen v. F.B. Engelhardt).

Border map between Prussia and Poland
Map showing border between Prussia and Duchy of Warsaw after Tilzit agreement in 1807 (orig. named Landes Grenze zwischen dem Koenigsreich Preussen und dem Herzogthum Warschau nach der am 10 November 1807, dem Tilziter Friedens Tractat vom 9 Juli 1807 gemäss, zu Elbing abgeschlossenen Convention und der im Jahr 1808 darauf erfolgten örtlichen Begrenzung, als Supplement , der von Schrötterschen Karte, entworfen v. F.B. Engelhardt).
(link to enlarge)
Map of district Netz, East and West Prussia, 1796-1802, 1:50000. Index sheet showing survey of Prussia in 1873-1805.

Map of district Netz, East and West Prussia, 1796-1802, 1:50000. Index sheet showing survey of Prussia in 1873-1805.

Although in Europe in mid-eighteenth century appeared detailed maps based on instrumental (half-instrumental) survey (1749-1805 Habsburg holdings made topographical photo in scales 1:28800, 1:57600, Hannover in 1772 had survey in scale 1:21333), but on the Prussian holdings, which were on the current territory of Lithuania and Poland, detailed new topographical picture was prepared only in 1763-1802. Western-coastal (Pomerania), Brandenburg, Prussia Netz provinces were mapped by Schmettau, Schullenburg, Schulz, Wiebeking in 1763-1783 (acc. some publications, this mapping is partially covered and East Prussia). Still one of the finest and most significant examples of Prussian cartography should be considered as mapping (survey) initiated by Prussian Minister von Schrotter in 1796-1802 in East Prussia, Pomerania and Netz, which led the execution of works Friedrich Bernhardt Engelhardt. Till 1925 this mapping (Schrotter-Engelhardt map) was secret and was protected by the Prussian Army General Staff archives. After 1925 the map was transfered to the State Library in Berlin, where stayed until the Second World War (the old signature sign. N 1020).

Mapping were based on the famous Prussian cartography professionals: preliminary triangulation and astronomical work was carried out artillery colonel von Textor, survey work led by Engelhardt (with topographers Eytelwein and Gilly aid). In area worked up to 20 well-trained topographers (conductors) with assistants. The work was carried out in accordance with the instructions prepared by Gilly (by the way, this instruction was used making survey of New-East Prussia province in 1795-1800), instrumental measurements were carried out in two or even three times, small items were drawn into maps at a venture, using the compass/director (distances measured in steps). Toponyms was not recorded in accordance with local dialect, but the use of older sources (the old maps, cadastral books, etc..). Very precise labeled forests, grasslands, scrub, sand, peat lands, their boundaries, affiliation and composition, as well as a detailed picture of roads, towns and farms. In addition to cartographic works topographers described the river widths, depths, banks are in, the size of the flood, gathered information about the lakes, swamps or her, unobstructed, the navigability of the river, the details of mills, bridges, footbridge, channels, fords, roads are in, utility, etc.

This fundamental set of maps entitled "Netz Distrikt, East and West Prussia, the Lithuanian provinces map .... 1796 - 1802 on proposal State Minister and Head of the Department's Schrotter... by Baron Friedrich Bernhardt Engelhardt... construction Director of Eastern Prussia measured topographically and drawn". The original name was "Karte von den Provinzen Litthauen, Ost und West Preussen u.d. Netz Distrikte auf befehl Ihrer Majestaten des Koenigs Friedrich Wilhelm II und Friedrich Wilhelm III auf Antrag des Staats Ministers und Departements Chefs Freiherrn von Schroetter in den Jahren 1796 bis 1802 vermessen und topographisch aufgenommen von Friedrich Bernhard Engelhardt Koeniglichem Kriegs und Domainen Rathe und Ban Director in Neu-Ost-Preussen". Maps were in scale 1:50000 and released only in two copies. In accordance with this mapping (maps) in 1802-1810 was released a set of maps "Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West - Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict" in scale 1:150000 (see above).

Topographical picture started in 1796 in East Prussia and completed in 1802 in the province Netz. It was drawn 141 individual sheets/sections of this map. Each sheet had size 45x61 cm in scale 1:50000. (See the index sheet). Maps were drawn in color. Coloring was peaceful, harmonious blending: areas in gray trace elements, forests represent darker gray, and the clearing of forest roads to display black. Each forest areas marked dependence on forest and tree species, carefully selected range of forests, forest park, cuttings. Wet areas were shown by shading. Accurately and thoroughly was shown net of roads. Special thoroughness was given to residential areas, it was scratched each individual farm, or individual city blocks. By color palette was indicated subordination of places, it was indicated the number of settlements /yards. Map reflects the administrative division.

Schroeterische karte 1:50000

Fragment of maps from set "Karte von den Provinzen Litthauen, Ost- und Westpreussen und dem Netzedistrikt..", 1796-1802, scale 1:50000

Poland, Kaszuby (By clicking you can zoom this map).

Map "Karte von den Provinzen Litthauen, Ost und West Preussen u.d. Netz Distrikte auf befehl Ihrer Majestaten des Koenigs Friedrich Wilhelm II und Friedrich Wilhelm III auf Antrag des Staats Ministers und Departements Chefs Freiherrn von Schroetter in den Jahren 1796 bis 1802 vermessen und topographisch aufgenommen von Friedrich Bernhard Engelhardt Koeniglichem Kriegs und Domainen Rathe und Ban Director in Neu-Ost-Preussen." in scale 1:50000 by 13 sections (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21) cowering the current territory of Lithuania (Klaipeda region) and by 131 sections cowering present territories of Poland and East Prussia would be extremely valuable cultural, historical, cartographic and historical aspect of the exploration end of the eighteenth century and beginning of the nineteenth century Part of Lithuania and Poland, East Prussia, history and development of cartography.


1. Eugen Oskar Kossmann "Die Preussischen Landesaufnahmen in Polen (1753-1806)". Leipzig. Jomsburg 1937.

2. Bogdan Zaborsky "Kaszuby na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku w świetle mapy Schrottera-Engelhardta z lat 1796-1802". Wiadomości służby geograficznej 1936. Nr.2. (thanks Marek Zieliński)

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