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1:100000 - Index sheet RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 (O-34, O-35, N-34, N-35, link)
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Index sheet RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 (O-34, O-35, N-34, N-35, link)
RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 were produced since the early 1930's. The content of the first RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 was moved from older maps (German maps in scale 1:100000, Russian empire maps in scale 1:84000 (two werst map)), maps later editions have been updated according available maps, original survey (mostly on territories of Russia).
RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 were composed in the 1931 year coordinate system. Coordinates were calculated in 6 degrees areas of Gauss-Kruger projection, using parameters of Bessel ellipsoid. Frames of maps have size - 20' latitude and 30' longitude, which is considered from Greenwich.
Till end of WWII RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 covered practicaly all European Russia, territories of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, part Balcan States, Germany.
On maps was drawn kilometer grid, minute frames.
Relief was shown by horizontals every 20 m.
Maps were printed in four colors, during II WW some maps printed in one color.

As example - early RKKA map in scale 1:100000 (First edition) N-34-59, 1937. Map prepared using survey from 1889-1891 (0,5-verst survey of Russian Empire), specifically 1:84000 (2-verst) maps. Old content updated using WIG 1:100000, KdWR, other maps (realistically this RKKA 1:100000 map is far from 1937 situation, on map stay many mistakes and inaccuracies)

Fragment of RKKA 1:100000 map N-34-59, 1937 (First edition), Lithuania, city Kalvarija and surroundings

As example RKKA map in scale 1:100000 (Second edition) N-34-59, 1940. Map prepared using survey from 1889-1891 (0,5-verst survey of Russian Empire), specifically 1:84000 (2-verst) maps, but content updated using newest material - Lithuanian maps in scale 1:100000.

Fragment of RKKA 1:100000 map N-34-59, 1940 (Second edition), Lithuania, city Kalvarija and surroundings

It is interesting that RKKA maps in scale 1:100000 were used by Red Army to mark cemeteries, intermet places of RKKA sodiers, to mark placements of units also to indicate places of minerals...

Fragment of RKKA map in scale 1:100000 N-34-48 (1940), Kaunas and surroundings. On map shown place of digging of minerals (gravel in black, sand in yellow), additionally roads marked in different colors indicating capability, shown bridges, ferries, factories.

Updated in 12 FEB 2014
Comparing fragments of RKKA map in scale 1:100000 N-35-37 and Lithuanian map 1606 Pazaislis-Kaisiadorys in scale 1:100000.
Comparing fragments of RKKA map in scale 1:100000 N-35-37 and Lithuanian map 1606 Pazaislis-Kaisiadorys in scale 1:100000.
Example of RKKA map in scale 1:100000 - sheet N-35-29
Example of RKKA map in scale 1:100000 - sheet N-35-29. Compiled in 1937, published in 1940.
Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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