OTHER MAPS - PLANS OF CITIES - Plan of city Vilnius, 1940, publisher Aukuras (link to full size plan) |
Plan of city Vilnius, 1940, scale 1:12500 (link to full size plan)
Military topography department of GS MoD in 1940 prepared and published plan of city Vilnius in scale 1:12500. Full size plan you can reach by link abowe.
Plan of city Kaunas 1932. (link to full size plan)
Plan of city Kaunas. Published in periodical in 1932. Scale 1:15000, size 33x39 cm. Published in two colors. With plan was prepared and published list of streets in Kaunas. This list you can find THERE (link).
Plan of city Kaunas, 1935. Scale 1:15000 (link to full size plan) Plan of city Kaunas prepared and published in 1935. One colored plan of city Kaunas in scale 1:15000 was used by German topographers to prepare Kaunas' city plans during II WW.
Plan of city Vilnius, 1940, publisher Aukuras (link to full size plan)
Plan of city Vilnius published in 1940 by publisher Aukuras. Scale 1:15000.
Kaunas city Plans 1923
Plans of perspective of Kaunas City. Plans preparеd in 1923 by Civil.eng. A.Jokimas (Kaunas), M.Frandsen (Copenhague) and approved by City Council in 5 July 1923.
Scale 1:10000 and 1:4200.

General view (photo from 1935-1937) of Kaunas perspective plan 1923, scale 1:10000

General view of Kaunas perspective plan 1923, scale 1:4200
Plan of city Kaunas (1925) with marks and repers of leveling.
Plan of city Kaunas (1925) with marks and repers of leveling. Scale 1:10000. More about leveling in inter-war Lithuania you can discover in Lithuanian subsite of maps4u.lt (direct link with google translation).

Full size map (link)
Plan of the botanical gardens in Kaunas (1936)
Plan of the botanical gardens of Kaunas University Vytautas the Great in Kaunas published as separate publication (plan+description of botanical gardens, in Lithuanian) in 1936. Scale of plan 1:10000, creator dr. A.Minkevičius, publisher press Raidė.
Plan of city Kaunas, 1933, 1:25000
Plan of city Kaunas (Kauno planas), scale 1:25000, published in 1933 in book Georaphy of Lithuania (IV-th edition, press Dirva, creator Adolfas Klimas).

Plan of city Vilnius, 1933, 1:25000
Plan of city Vilnius (Vilniaus planas), scale 1:25000, published in 1933 in book Georaphy of Lithuania (IV-th edition, press Dirva, creator Adolfas Klimas).

Plan city Panevėžys (1934, 1:2500, on 12 sheets)
Common plan of squares, contoures and streets of city Panevėžys with relief shown by horizontals (original name in Lithuanian Panevėžio miesto bendrasis kvartalų, kontūrų ir gatvių planas su reljefu, pažymėtu horizontalėmis) was prepared by civilian workers (engineers) and militaries of Military Topography Department of General Staf of MoD in 1934. The works of the plan led geodesy engineer M. Ratautas, technical inspection carried engineers P.Butrimas and A.Kočegūra. Common plan of squares, contoures and streets of city Panevėžys with relief shown by horizontals consists of 12 sheets in scale 1:2500. Plan printed in color: content in black, water in blue, relief in brown.

General view of Common plan of squares, contoures and streets of city Panevėžys with relief shown by horizontals (1934, 1:2500, index)

General view section 9 of Common plan of squares, contoures and streets of city Panevėžys with relief shown by horizontals (1934, 1:2500, index)
Full size of Common plan of squares, contoures and streets of city Panevėžys with relief shown by horizontals (1934, 1:2500) you can find THERE (link).
Plan of city Vilnius, 1940, 1:12500 Military Topography Department created and published in 1940 plan of city Vilnius. Plan has dimmensions 46x46 cm., published in one color (b/w).
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