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1:100000 (1914-1919) - 8 Army Survey map (1:100000 1916-1919), index sheet (link)
Zoom map:
Maps in scale 1:100000 on administrative units (Kreis) of Ostpreussen (East Prussia).

Maps in scale 1:100000 on administrative units (Kreis) of Ostpreussen (East Prussia).

To collection we collected maps (published till 1930):

- Kreis Memel, 1918,

- Kreis Heydekrug, 1918,

- Kreis Lotzen, 1915,

- Kreis Niederung, 1919,

- Kreis Ragint, 1918,

- Kreis Konigsberg mit Samland, 1928.


8 Army Survey map (1:100000 1916-1919), index sheet (link)

During World War I the German topographers (topographic unit - Vermessung Abteilung 18) on 8 Army's area (now Latvia [and maybe Estonia and Lithuania] territories) have released a map in scale 1:100000 named Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee (8 Army Survey map). Maps from this set have content identical to the two-verst Russian Empire's maps (1:84000, Двухверстная карта западного пограничного пространства).

Maps from set Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee named by the name of biggest population place on map (some sheets named according to the Russian Empire 2 verst per inch map). Toponyms on maps from set Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee translated to German. Maps printed differently: one, two or three colors (black content, horizontal or black or brown and waters in some map sheets in blue). Maps have size 27' longitude and 15' latitude. Longitude calculated from Pulkovo. Every map from set Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee consists of 9 maps in scale 1:25000, see. set Russischen karte des Westlichen Grenzgebiets (Russian map of western frontier), named in Arabic numerals (1 - xxx) or according the Russian Empire half-verst (1:21000) maps (with a letter A-J).

On frames additional information presented: name of a series of maps, map sheet name, composite 1:25000 maps layout, road and rail signs, scale, adjacent map sheets.

See also description of set Karte des Westlichen Russlands (Western Russia map).

Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee

Index of maps from set Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee (1916-1919, 1:100000)

Karte der 8 Armee

General view of map Riga from set Übersichtskarte der 8 Armee (1916-1919, 1:100000)

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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