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1:300000 (1890-1945) - Index sheet of German maps in scale 1:300000 from period II WW
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Index sheet of S1:300000 German maps from set Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa (1890-1917)
Maps of Central Europe (Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa) in scale 1:300000 were produced from 1890 till 1917 in Kaupert’s conical projection (eastern sheet) and projection of polyhedron (west sheet). Size of maps in scale 1:300000 - 2 deg. longitude and 1 deg. latitude (43x37 cm at 55 deg. latitude). Longitude is considered from Ferro. Also met combined (from 4 or 6) lists (Zusammendruck).
Maps printed in 6 colors.

Index sheet of German maps in scale 1:300000 from period II WW

German topographers using old cartographic material (old set of maps of Mid Europe in scale 1:300000 (Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa), see above), new survey (territories of Germany), newest cartographic material of neighbor countries (ex. Polish WIG maps in scale 1:300000, Estonian, Latvian maps in scale 1:200000, Czech-Slovac maps in scale 1:200000, Russian maps (RKKA) in scale 1:100000-500000). Big part of Europe describe set Mid Europe in scale 1:300000 (Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa), east part of Europe - set Ostland 1:300000, northern part - Nordeuropa 1:300000. We need notice, that some territories were covered by two different sets (ex. Vilnius (Wilna) was covered by map T55 Wilna from sets Osteuropa and Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa 1:300000), see index sheet.

Except sets mentioned above (Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa and Ostland 1:300000) it was prepared and published sets of German maps in scale 1:300000: Nordeuropa 1:300000, Europa 1:300000, Mitteleuropa 1:300000, karte des Europaischen Russland 1:300000), Finnland 1:300000, Norway 1:300000...

Maps from set Ubersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa in scale 1:300000 (and most of mentioned above) have size - 2 deg. longitude and 1 deg. latitude. Longitude is considered from Greenwich. Also met combined (from 4 or 6) lists (Zusammendruck). On frames was additional information: abbreviations, translating abbr., signs and symbols, scale, name of sheet, mentioned what maps were used by preparing sheet, administrative separation, other information. Maps covering territories of East Russia were pore in elements: it was shown only main roads, population places, hydrography.

Present territory of Lithuania are covering sheets R56 Tilsit, R57 Libau, S54 Lyck, S55 Ebenrode, S56 Schaulen, S57 Riga, T54 Slonim, T55 Wilna, T56 Wilkomierz, T57 Jakobstadt, U56 Dunaburg.

Index of maps from set Osteuropa 1:300000 (link)

German maps from period WWII set Osteuropa 1:300000 covered territories from Warszawa til Ural ghat, from Arctic till Black see (see index).

Ostland 1:300000

Index of German maps Osteuropa 1:300000 (full size - link above, maps in green - digitalized)

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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