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ATLASES - Big World atlas, 5-th map of European Russia (link), publisher - agency of A.F.Marks, 1903 (link)
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Vilnius Province. Map from atlas Atlas of Russian empire, Kingdom of Poland and Duchy of Finnland, 1820 (link, full size).

Map of Vilnius province from Atlas of Russian empire, Kingdom of Poland and Duchy of Finnland (1820) published by Пядышев В.П. (1758 – 1835).

Atlas contains general map of the Russian Empire, maps of all its provinces and regions, maps of the Kingdom of Poland and the Duchy of Finland. The map shows settlements, monasteries and deserts, customs, plants, post stations, post and great carriage road, administrative and historical areas of modern states. Originals were made by lithography, hand-painted. Titles, symbols and names marked in Russian and French. Василий Петрович Пядышев (1758–1835) served in the Military Topographical Depot, worked in mapping of roads.

Atlas of Russian empire, Kingdom of Poland and Duchy of Finnland (1820) consists of maps: Карта Царства Польского, Карта Подольской губернии, Карта Волынской губернии, Карта Гродненской губернии и Белостокской области, Карта Виленской губернии, Карта Курляндской губернии, Карта Лифляндской губернии, Карта Эстляндской губернии, Карта Санкт-Петербургской губернии, Карта Псковской губернии, Карта Витебской губернии, Карта Минской губернии, Карта Могилевской губернии, Карта Киевской губернии, Карта Бессарабской области, Карта Херсонской губернии, Карта Новгородской губернии, Карта Тверской губернии, Карта Московской губернии, Карта Смоленской губернии, Карта Черниговской губернии, Карта Полтавской губернии, Карта Харьковской губернии, Карта Екатеринославской губернии, Карта Таврической губернии, Карта Курской губернии, Карта Орловской губернии, Карта Калужской губернии, Карта Тульской губернии, Карта Ярославской губернии, Карта Костромской губернии, Карта Владимирской губернии, Карта Рязанской губернии, Карта Тамбовской губернии, Карта Воронежской губернии, Kарта Вятской губернии, Карта Нижегородской губернии, Карта Пензенской губернии, Карта Казанской губернии, Карта Симбирской губернии, Карта Саратовской губернии, Карта Земли Воиска Донскаго, Карта Астраханской губернии, Карта Кавказской области и Земель Горских народов, Карта Грузии, Карта Олонецкой губернии, Карта Вологодской губернии, Карта Архангельской губернии, Карта Пермской губернии, Карта Оренбургской губернии, Карта Тобольской губернии, Карта Томской губернии, Карта Енисейской губернии, Карта Омской области, Карта Иркутской губернии, Карта Камчатского округа и Курильских островов, Карта Якутской области и Охотскаго округа, Карта Великаго Княжества Финляндскаго.

Kingdom of Poland. Map from atlas Atlas of Russian empire, Kingdom of Poland and Duchy of Finnland, 1820 (link, full size).
Map of Kingdom of Poland from Atlas of Russian empire, Kingdom of Poland and Duchy of Finnland (1820) published by Пядышев В.П. (1758 – 1835).
Atlas of Russian Empire published in 1792.
Atlas of Russian Empire published in 1792 consists of 46 maps. This atlas was published in 1792 in Sankt-Pererburg in office Sytin. As example- map from this atlas- map of territories of former Poland-Lithuania state after division in 1793 (map dated 1793).

Lithuania Poland 1793

Atlas of Russian Empire published in 1796.
Atlas of Russian Empire published in 1796 consists of 52 maps. This atlas was published in 1796 in Sankt-Pererburg in office Sytin. As example- map from this atlas- map of domain of Vilnius in 1796.

Domain Vilnius 1796

When in 1796 Emperor of Russian Empire become Pavel I, administrative partition of Russian Empire changed. Therefore requirement of new atlas (maps) of Russian empire come. In 1800 Atlas of Russian Empire composed from 43 maps showing 41 Guberniya (original name Российский атлас из сорока трёх карт состоящий и на сорок одну губернию Империю разделяющий) was published. Atlas was created using atlas from 1792 (see abowe). Creator -  Alexander Wilbrecht (Вильбрехт, Александр Михайлович (1757-1823), gravers Г. Харитонов, И. Колпаков, Мешков, А. Березников, I.C. Nabholz. Press Geographic Department in Sankt Peterburg (Географический департамент).
Guberniya Litovskaja
Guberniya Litovskaja (Lithuania) Литовская губерния, 1800, atlas Atlas of Russian Empire composed from 43 maps showing 41 Guberniya (Российский атлас из сорока трёх карт состоящий и на сорок одну губернию Империю разделяющий). Full size of map (link)
Pocket-size atlas of Russian empire published in 1808.

Pocket-size atlas of Russian empire published in 1808 consists of 37 maps (size 20х13 см). In atlas were also biggest post roads shown. As example- map from this atlas- map of domain (gubernia) of Vilnius in 1808.

Vilnius gubernia 1808

Atlas of Russian Empire from 64 maps, 1840

Atlas of Russian Empire published in 1840 (about) consists of 64 maps, size 23,5x23,5 cm. As example - map from this atlas - map of gubernia Vilnius (administrative unit Vilnius).

Vilnius gubernia 1840

Atlas of fortresses of Russian Empire's army (in original Russian -  Атлас планов крепостей Российской Императорской Армии) was published in 1830-1840 (accurate date in not known) and consists of 60 plans of fortresses of Russian Empire (from Kingdom of Poland till Siberia). Full list presented below (in Russian): Александраполь, Анапа, Ахалкалаки, Ахалцых, Баку, Владикавказ, Дарьяльский пост, Дербент, Кизляр, Ленкоран, Новые Закаталы, укр. Ахта, укр. Воздвиженское, укр. Евгениевское, укр. Кази-Кумых, укр. каменного моста на р. Малке, укр. Куринское, укр. Надежинское, укр. Назрановское, укр. Петровское, укр. Хумаринское, укр. Чир-Юрт, Шуша, Эривань, Бендеры, Измаил, Килия, Кинбурн, Николаевский ретраншамент, Хотин, Александровская цитадель, Брест-Литовск, Замосц, Ивангород, Новогеоргиевск, Киев, Бобруйск, Рига, Ревель, Динаминд, Динабург, Вильно, Михайлоград, Оренбург, Орск, укр. Новопетровское, Архангельск-Новодвинск, Кронштат, Нарва, Санкт-Петербург, Шлиссельбург, Севастополь, Омск, Петропавловск, Усть-Каменогорск, Аланд, Выборг, Гангеуд, Свеаборг, Форт-Слава.

Vilnius fortress

Plan of fortress Vilnius (Lithuania, 1830-1840) from atlas (full size, link)

Detailed training Atlas of the Russian Empire, situated by spaces, 1841
Detailed training Atlas of the Russian Empire, situated by spaces (original name of atlas Подробный учебный атлас Российской Империи расположенный по пространствам, заключающим губернии, сходные свойством почвы и промыслами жителей с означением губернских, уездных и заштатных городов, монастырей, местечек, сел и деревень, замечательных по историческим событиям ... в 1841 г. издан корпуса топографов прапорщиками Проскурняковым и Семеновым), published by topographers  Проскурнякий и Семенов from Topographic Depot of Russian army in 1841. Atlas consists of 13 maps, the title page and cover.

Detailed training Atlas of the Russian Empire, situated by spaces
Mapof area of lowlands (Низменного пространства - Vilnius, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Minsk, Grodno provinces and the area of Bialystok from Detailed training Atlas of the Russian Empire, situated by spaces, 1841.

Detail atlas of Russian Empire created in order of minister of Education N.I. Zujev (Зуев Никита Иванович 1823–1890) (original named Подробный атлас Российской империи составлен по поручению Господина министра Народного просвещения Н. И. Зуевым) published in 1860 in Sanct Peterburg. Atlas consists of 22 maps (49x69 cm). In atlas maps of orogeny and hidrography, political maps of European and Asian Russia, maps of Guberniyas with arms, plans of cities S.Peterburg, Moskva placed.
Kingdom of Poland 1860
Map of Kingdom of Poland,  Detail atlas of Russian Empire created in order of minister of Education N.I. Zujev (original named Подробный атлас Российской империи составлен по поручению Господина министра Народного просвещения Н. И. Зуевым), 1860. Full size of map (link)
Detailed atlas of the Russian Empire with plans major cities, consisting of 70 maps, 1871
Detailed atlas of the Russian Empire with plans major cities, consisting of 70 maps (original name of atlas Подробный атлас Российской Империи с планами главных городов, состоящий из 70 карт), released in 1871 by cartographic institution of  A.A. Ilyin (Картографическое заведение А. А. Ильина) shows provinces, major cities of the Russian Empire, the atlas presents several thematic maps of the Russian Empire: ethnographic, administration, etc.

Maps of Kaunas district 1871
Map of Kaunas province (Kaunas gubernia) from Detailed atlas of the Russian Empire with plans major cities, consisting of 70 maps, 1871, (Full size, link)

Map of Vilnius district 1871
Map of Vilnius province (Vilnius gubernia) from Detailed atlas of the Russian Empire with plans major cities, consisting of 70 maps, 1871, (Full size, link)
Big World atlas, 5-th map of European Russia (link), publisher - agency of A.F.Marks, 1903 (link)

Big World atlas, publisher - agency of A.F.Marks, (original name Большой всемирный настольный атлас Маркса), first time published in 1903 (published 12 editions). Editors: Шокальский Юлий Михайлович (1856—1940), Петри Эдуард Юльевич (1854 —1899). Press:  A.F.Marks' association  (Маркс Адольф Фёдорович, 1838 — 1904) (in original - Товарищество издательского и печатного дела А. Ф. Маркс). Atlas consists of 62 main maps and 160 additional maps, 55 tables, list of placenames. Size of atlas -  44cm х 30cm х 6cm. 5-th map of European Russia (scale 1:20000000) shows present territories of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

Big World atlas

5-th map of European Russia (scale 1:20000000) shows present territories of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Big World atlas, publisher - agency of A.F.Marks, (original name Большой всемирный настольный атлас Маркса), 1903, full size of map (link)

Geographical and Statistical Pocket Atlas of Russia, А.Ф. Маркс, 1907
Geographical and Statistical Pocket Atlas of Russia was prepared under the direction of A.F. Marks ( А.Ф. Маркс), published in St. Petersburg at partnership  А.Ф. Маркс in 1907. Atlas was published in one volume and has 172 pages, pages size 19x12 cm. All maps in atlas were printed in color. Atlas reflects the state, society and the economy of the Russian Empire in a simple and accessible way. Included maps: physical, political, administrative, ethnographic, population density, transportation, land holdings. Most of the material (the population, languages ​​and dialects, public education, natural resources, industry, commerce, communications, finance) is given in the form of tables and colorful charts. The illustration shows the Russian flags and coins.

Political map of Russian Empire
Political review of European Russia (map), Geographical and Statistical Pocket Atlas of Russia, 1907
Universal Geography and Statistics Pocket Atlas, 1908
Universal geographical and statistical pocket atlas published at partnership А.Ф. Маркс in St. Petersburg in 1908. The atlas, which consists of 130 pages, contains maps: Map of the heights and depths of the Eastern Hemisphere, Map of heights and depths of the Western Hemisphere, Map religions of the world, spread peoples of the world, Europe. The relative height of the continent and the depth of the seas, the population density of Europe, Europe, Population and languages ​​of Europe, European Russia, Western Russia, Central Russia, South Russia, the Caucasus, the Russian Empire, the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland, France, Great Britain and Ireland, The Netherlands and Belgium, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Sweden and Norway, Asia, Australia and Polynesia, International connections. Universal geographical and statistical pocket atlas published in 1908 has 64 colored maps and comparative geographical and statistical tables (charts) with a brief explanation. Of particular interest are the charts that give a broad view of the historical space of the beginning of XX century: the comparative value of all states in the world on the surface occupied by them in square kilometers, the relative magnitude of the States in the world by population, the relative magnitude of the largest cities in the world in terms of population, the comparative strength of the peoples of Europe, the natural increase of the population of Europe, the relative number of births, deaths and natural increase, the military forces of States, with the inclusion of the fleet, in peace and war ...

Universal geographical and statistical pocket atlas
Map of Western Russia, Universal Geography and Statistics Pocket Atlas, 1908
School atlas of Geography, 1906 (A.J.Petri)

School atlas of Geography (in original [RU] Учебный географический атлас) was prepared by Pteri Eduard Julijevic (Петри, Эдуард Юльевич, 1854-1899) and first time published in 1898. Till 1917 it was published about 10 editions of this atlas (mostly at press A.F.Marks). Atlas have size 28x18,5 cm. The School atlas of Geography (7-th edition, 1906) had 28 pages of text, 48 tables with 49 major and 140 additional maps.

Map of west Russia

Map of west Russia,  School atlas of Geography, 1906

Languages, Kalbos, Языки
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