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Other maps (17xx-1812)
Part of Lithuania (Ein Theil von Litthauen), 1795-1800, 1:156250

On this chapter we are planning to present German/Prussian maps from period 17xx-1812 (wide period includes Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Napoleon wars) covering Lithuania (and Little Lithuania) in scale not less 1:250000.


Map of Lithuania (Ein Theil von Litthauen) in scale 1:156250, released by the Prussian surveyors in 1795-1800, is similar to Map of Lithuania and Podlachia which was prepared by General staff of army of Russian empire in 1793 (link). Map of Lithuania (Ein Theil von Litthauen) shows the territory of modern Belarus and Lithuania on the right bank of the river Niemen from Grodno till Privalka and from the Oziory till Kabeliai. This map has signs and symbols like map of Lithuania and Podlachia from 1793 y.; possible that Prussian surveyors use this map preparing Map of Lithuania (Ein Theil von Litthauen).


Map of Lithuania (Ein Theil von Litthauen)

General view of Map of Lithuania (Ein Theil von Litthauen), 1795-1800, scale 1:156250

Territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris, 1795-1800, 1:150000

Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris (original named Carte eines zwischen dem Niemen und der Wilia gelegenen Landstriches in Gros Herzogthum Litthauen) was created by German/Prussian topographers in 1795-1800. Map is similar to Map of Lithuania and Podlachia which was prepared by General staff of army of Russian empire in 1793 (link). Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris has dimension about 70x85 cm, scale 1:150000. On map is shown territories on right side of the river Nemunas from Merkinė till Kaunas, and on left side of the river Neris from Vilnius till Kaunas.

Original map is in archives of Berlin city library, this copy was created in inter-war Lithuania.

Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris

General view of Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris, 1795-1800, 1:150000

Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris

Fragment of Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between rivers Nemunas and Neris, 1795-1800, 1:150000

Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between towns Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Pagiriai, Ukmergė and Jonava, rivers Nemunas, Nevėžis, Obelis, Šventoji and Neris (1795-1800, 1:130000)

Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between towns Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Pagiriai, Ukmergė and Jonava, rivers Nemunas, Nevėžis, Obelis, Šventoji and Neris (original named Carte eines zwischen den Stadten Kowno, Kieydany, Pogiry, Wilkomirz und Janow befindlichen Landstrichs in Litthauen, der durch die Flusse Niemen, Niewiascha, Obella, Swientucha und Wilia begranzt ist) was created by German/Prussian topographers in 1795-1800. Map is similar to Map of Lithuania and Podlachia which was prepared by General staff of army of Russian empire in 1793 (link). Map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between towns Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Pagiriai, Ukmergė and Jonava, rivers Nemunas, Nevėžis, Obelis, Šventoji and Neris has dimension about 73x42 cm, scale 1:130000. On map is shown territories between rivers Nemunas, Nevėžis, Obelis, Šventoji and Neris (main cities Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Jonava, Ukmergė).

Original map is in archives of Berlin city library, this copy was created in inter-war Lithuania.

Lithuania 1795

General view of map

Lithuania 1800

Fragment of map of territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania between towns Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Pagiriai, Ukmergė and Jonava, rivers Nemunas, Nevėžis, Obelis, Šventoji and Neris (1795-1800, 1:130000) showing Kaunas (Kowno) and surroundings

Karte vom Herzogthum War¬schau und den angrenzenden Staaten in IV Sectionen (Section II, full size)

Karte vom Herzogthum Warschau und den angrenzenden Staaten in IV Sectionen Karte vom Herzogthum Warschau und den angrenzenden Staaten in IV Sectionen
1812 1:763000


One of the most popular maps of the Polish Kingdom was a German map published for the first time in 1812 under the title Karte vom Herzogthum War­schau und den angrenzenden Staaten in IV Sectionen, and then reissued nine times in 1816, 1819, 1831, 1843, 1853, 1857, 1858, 1962 and 1863 under a changed title Karte von dem Koenigreich Pohlen, Gross-Herzoghtum Posen und dem an­grenzenden Staaten in IV Sectionen. The map was developed by a Prussian car­tographer Engelhardt, Friedrich Bernhard (1768-1854), participant of Polish-Prussian delimitation from 1808 to 1809. The Map of the Duchy of Warsaw, and then the Polish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Poznan was made at the scale of 1:763 000 in a Bonne pseudoconic projection and was each time published by the same Berlin publi­sher Simon Schropp und Comp.

A detailed analysis proved that the core of the source material used by F.B. Engelhardt were three, best at that time and newest Prussian topographic maps: a map of Southern Prussia by D. Gilly 1:150,000 (1802-1803), a map of New Eastern Prussia by J.C. Textor 1:155,000 (1807) and a map of Pomerania by F. L. Schrötter and F.B. Engelhardt 1:152,000 (1810), and also an Austrian map of the so-called Western Galicia by H. Benedicti 1:172,000 (1808). It was calculated that the aver­age error in the position of points on the map ranges from 2.5 to 3.3 km (for com­parison - on a 1772 map of Poland by A. Rizzi Zannoni from 15 to 18 km), with that the maximum values of that error to the north of Warsaw, shown in the map indicate the author's difficulties with mutual adjustment of the maps by Gilly, Textor and Benedicti. On the other hand, the analysis of the rich list of names proves that it contains many errors, which are the weak side of the map.

L.: Kartografia Krolestwa Polskiego w 1815-1915. Z dziejow kartografii Tom X

General Karte von der Danziger, Elbinger und Marienburger Niederung, 1803/1804

In 1803-1804 on territories of West Prussia (provinces of Danzig, Elbling, Marienburg, see below) was created and published map General Karte von der Danziger, Elblinger und Marienburger Niederung (aus speciellen vermessungen zusammen gebragen, nebst der situation der angrenzenden Hohe, welche aus der topographischen aufnahme heran gebragen worden. Gezeichnet durch Hesse in jahr 1803/04).

Vakarų Prūsija 1799

F.A.Schrambl Karte von Danzig, Elbing und Marienburg odert... (Vienna 1799) map showing provinces of Danzig, Elbling, Marienburg.

Map named General Karte von der Danziger, Elblinger und Marienburger Niederung published on several sheets (size about 60x45 cm). By colors and signs/symbols shown woods, hydrography, cities and villages, road net, boundaries of administrative units.Relief was shown by shading. Map General Karte von der Danziger, Elblinger und Marienburger Niederung can be compared with map „Karte von den Provinzen Litthauen, Ost und West Preussen u.d. Netz Distrikte auf befehl Ihrer Majestäten des Königs Friedrich Wilhelm II und Friedrich Wilhelm III auf Antrag des Staats Ministers und Departements Chefs Freiherrn von Schrötter in den Jahren 1796 bis 1802 vermessen und topographisch aufgenommen von Friedrich Bernhard Engelhardt Königlichem Kriegs und Domainen Rathe und Ban Director in Neu-Ost-Preussen"  published by Schrötter-Engelhardt (1:50000, 1796-1802).

General Karte 1803

General view of map General Karte von der Danziger, Elblinger und Marienburger Niederung

General karte 1803-1804

Fragment of map General Karte von der Danziger, Elblinger und Marienburger Niederung lapo

Schroetter Engelhartd karte 1802

Fragment of map „Karte von den Provinzen Litthauen, Ost und West Preussen u.d. Netz Distrikte auf befehl Ihrer Majestäten des Königs Friedrich Wilhelm II und Friedrich Wilhelm III auf Antrag des Staats Ministers und Departements Chefs Freiherrn von Schrötter in den Jahren 1796 bis 1802 vermessen und topographisch aufgenommen von Friedrich Bernhard Engelhardt Königlichem Kriegs und Domainen Rathe und Ban Director in Neu-Ost-Preussen" on the same territory

Plan of the river Visla (1815-1825)
Plans of the river Visla and his inflows was prepared in 1817-1825. Set consists from about hundred plans, set named Plan vom den Weichsel strom und zwar oberhalb dem sogenannten Danziger haupte vom Kasemartischen... By colors and signs/symbols shown woods, hydrography, cities and villages, road net, boundaries of administrative units.Relief was shown by shading.
Vyslos upės planas
General view of plan of the river Visla (one plan), 1820 m.
Vyslos upės plano fragmentas
Fragment of plan of the river Visla (one plan), 1820 m.
Jan Wladyslaw Suchodolec map of Kingdom of Prussia (1732, 1:100000)

In 1732 Jan Wladyslaw Suchodolec (von Suchodoletz, Suchodolski,) made map of Kingdom of Prussia, scale 1:100000 XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen wie daselbe in 4. folgende Districte abgetheilet als: Samland Natangen Oberland und Littauen, worbeÿ die Grentzen der Haubt-Aembter jeden Districts angedeütet und specificiret wie beÿder neuen Einrichtung der Cammer Aembter jedes Haubt-Ambtes reguliret inc. der Herrsch. Taürogen des Elbingsche Territorii, Woÿwodsch. Marienburg, des Danziger Werders und Nehrung nebst einem Theil der angrentzenden Woÿwodsch. vormahls Fürstenth. Samaiten, Gr. Fürstenth. Littauen, Woÿwodsch. Podlachien, Fürstenth. Masow, Woÿwodsch. Culm u. Pomerellen und des Bischoffth. Ermeland.

Map XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen wie daselbe in 4. folgende Districte abgetheilet als: Samland Natangen Oberland und Littauen, worbeÿ die Grentzen der Haubt-Aembter jeden Districts angedeütet und specificiret wie beÿder neuen Einrichtung der Cammer Aembter jedes Haubt-Ambtes reguliret inc. der Herrsch. Taürogen des Elbingsche Territorii, Woÿwodsch. Marienburg, des Danziger Werders und Nehrung nebst einem Theil der angrentzenden Woÿwodsch. vormahls Fürstenth. Samaiten, Gr. Fürstenth. Littauen, Woÿwodsch. Podlachien, Fürstenth. Masow, Woÿwodsch. Culm u. Pomerellen und des Bischoffth. Ermeland consists of 11 sheets (various size), 6 sheets of manuscripts, title sheet and 1 index sheet (made later). Map in orioginal was published in color.

XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen wie daselbe in 4. folgende Districte abgetheilet als: Samland Natangen Oberland und Littauen, worbeÿ die Grentzen der Haubt-Aembter jeden Districts angedeütet und specificiret wie beÿder neuen Einrichtung der Cammer Aembter jedes Haubt-Ambtes reguliret inc. der Herrsch. Taürogen des Elbingsche Territorii, Woÿwodsch. Marienburg, des Danziger Werders und Nehrung nebst einem Theil der angrentzenden Woÿwodsch. vormahls Fürstenth. Samaiten, Gr. Fürstenth. Littauen, Woÿwodsch. Podlachien, Fürstenth. Masow, Woÿwodsch. Culm u. Pomerellen und des Bischoffth. Ermeland
Title of map XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen..., 1732, 1:100000

1754, 1:100000
Index sheet of map XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen..., 1732, 1:100000

Kingdom of Preussen
Fragment of sheet Nr. 1 from set XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen..., 1732, 1:100000, Memel and surroundings

Kingdom of Prussia 1730
Fragment of sheet Nr. 1 (manuscript) from set XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen..., 1732, 1:100000, Memel and surroundings 
Koenigsreich Preussen
Fragment of sheet Nr. 5 from set XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen..., 1732, 1:100000, Memel and surroundings. It is interesting that maps from set XXIX. vergrösserte Sectiones der General-Charte von dem Königreich Preüssen... show not only territories of Prussia but also territories of frontier of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. On fragment shown part of   of frontier of the Great Duchy of Lithuania - Vištytis and surroundings, part of big forest (Grossen Augustowischen wildtnuss). This map is the first where mentioned name of Kalvarija (see road from Vištytis to Kalvarija (nach Kallwarien 6 meil).

Fragment of map shhowing present Lithuania (I, V, VI sheets) you can see THERE (link).
1. Rasa Seibutyė  Kleinlitauen auf den preußischen Karten des 18. Jahrhunderts, 2007.
2. Jan Szeliga Działalność kartograficzna Samuela i Jana Władysława Suchodolców w Prusach w XVII i XVIII wieku
Map made during travel from Goldap in Prussia through Serrey till Wilda (Vilnius) and through Kauen (Kaunas) till Stalluphöhnen, ... 1776

Map made by Prussian topographers during travel in 1776 from Goldap in Prussia through Serrey (Seirijai) till Wilda (Vilnius) and through Kauen (Kaunas) till Stalluphöhnen, making situation plan of holding Serrey (now Seirijai, Lithuania). Original name of map (ir German): Plan des einen in den Augen fallenden Terrains auf der tour aus Preussen von Goldap über Serrey nach Wilda und da über Kauen Stallupöhnen zurück, wobei zugleich die. Kön. Preussische Herrschaft Serrey mit aufgennomen worden. Map (scale 1:84000, size 114x180 cm, 2 sheets each 57x180 cm) shows road and surroundings from Goldap till Wilda (Vilnius, through Wizajny, Kalvarija, Seirijai, Merkinė) and from Wilda (Vilnius) till Stallupöhnen (through Kaunas, Zapyškis, Višakio rųda, Vilkaviškis). Content in detail shown by signs and simbols, many records explain more details about situation.

Fragment of map showing city Kalwarija (Lithuania) and surroundings, this is the first map showing city Kalwarija in details
Fragment of map showing Wilda (Wilno, Vilnius)
Fragment of map showing Kauen (Kowno, Kaunas)

Plan of holding Serrey (Seirijai, Lithuania), 17xx, 1:80000

History: Seirijai (Serrey) with holdings (place on modern map) from 1691 together with Tautagė (with holdings) were as part of Kingdom Prussia. Only for 2 year (1793-1795) holding Seirijai were returned to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth as reward after 2-nd division of  Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Offspring of Radvila's family (Radziwiłłowie) Liudvika Karolina Radvilaitė (1667-1695) after marriage donate holding Seirijai to duke of Prussia Charles III Philip.

Plan of holding Seirijai (in original German - Plan von Königl. Preussen Herrschaft Serrey) was created in 1776-1793, see decription of Map made by Prussian topographers during travel in 1776 from Goldap in Prussia through Serrey (Seirijai) till Wilda (Vilnius) and through Kauen (Kaunas) till Stalluphöhnen, making situation plan of holding Serrey (now Seirijai, Lithuania). Original name of map (ir German): Plan des einen in den Augen fallenden Terrains auf der tour aus Preussen von Goldap über Serrey nach Wilda und da über Kauen Stallupöhnen zurück, wobei zugleich die. Kön. Preussische Herrschaft Serrey mit aufgennomen worden. Size of plan 42x35 cm., original is painted. Scale of plan appr. 1:80000.

holding Seirijai

General view of Plan of holding Seirijai (in original German - Plan von Königl. Preussen Herrschaft Serrey), 1776-1793, 1:80000, full size Plan you can see THERE (link)

Thanks library of KTU for photocopy.

Map showing road from Bauske (Latvia) till Kaunas (Lithuania), 1:74000, 1780

Map showing road from Bauske (Latvia) till Kaunas (Lithuania), original name (ir German) -  Wegekarte von der Aa bis Bauske... gegen Memel fluss bei Kowno in scale 1:74000 was prepared and published in 1780. Map consists of 7 sheets (varied size). Original map hand colored. Map shows road and adjacent territories from Bauska (Latvia) via Aa estate, Joniškis, Šiauliai, Šeduva, Baisiogala, Kėdainiai, labūnava, Babtai, Romainiai, Kaniukai, Veršva till Kaunas. By colors and topographic signs/symbols populated places, roads, woods, swamps, lakes, rivers, estates, mills, inns and ect. shown on map. Relief was shown by shadowing.

Wegekarte von der Aa bis Bauske... gegen Memel fluss bei Kowno

Fragment of map Wegekarte von der Aa bis Bauske... gegen Memel fluss bei Kowno, 1780, 1:74000 (Kaunas and surroundings)

Maps4u.lt thanks library of KTU for photocopy.

Map showing road from Druja on the river Düna (Daugava) trough Lithuania and Samogitia till Seredžius on the river Nemunas, 1790, 1:160000

Map showing road from Druja on the river Düna (Daugava) through Lithuania and Samogitia till Seredžius on the river Nemunas. Map was prepared by ordering General Count Henckel von Donnersmarck using Zannoni (Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni, 1736-1814) and Schraembl (Schraembl Franz Anton, 1751-1803) maps. Map showing road from Druja on the river Düna (Daugava) through Lithuania and Samogitia till Seredžius on the river Nemunas created in months October and November 1790. Map consists of 4 sheets, each have size 45x32 cm. Scale – 1:160000. Map showing road (and surroundings) from Druja (in BLR) till Seredžius trough Breslauja (Braslav, in BLR), Drūkšiai (Drysviaty, in BLR), Salakas, Daugailiai, Užpaliai, Anykščiai, Kavarskas, Ukmergė, Šėta, Kėdainiai, Griniai, Čekiškė (all LTU).

Original name of map (in German): Situation Von dem Befehl Sr. Excellence des commandirenden Herrn General Lieutenant Reichs Grafen Henckel von Donnersmarck recognoscirten Weges von Druja an der Düna Fluss durch Pohl. Lithauen und Samogitien bis Szerednik am Memel Fluss. A Coup d’Oeil nach der Zanonischen und Schrembelschen Carte durch von Schachtmeyer Premieur Lieutenant und General Adjutant des Herrn General Major Hertzog von Hollstein Beck Durchlaucht im Monath October et November 1790.

Old road trough Lithuania

Fragment of Map showing road from Druja on the river Düna (Daugava) through Lithuania and Samogitia till Seredžius on the river Nemunas (1790, 1:160000), small town Užpaliai and surroundings (Lithuania)

Map of part of Samogitia, 1790, 1:56700

Map of part of Samogitia (original name in German - Ein Theil der Starostey vormaligen Fürstenthum Szameiten) was published by Prussian cartographers in 1790. Scale - 1:56700 (1:56709), size of map 52x60 cm. Orientation of maps to NW. On map shown territories from Vainutas till Tauragė and from Ragainė (Неман) till Viešvilė (coverage on modern map, link). Original map colored.

Map of part of Samogitia

Fragment of  Map of part of Samogitia, 1790, 1:56709, Natkiškiai and surroundings (territories of present Lithuania)

Map of Samogitia, 1790

General view of Map of part of Samogitia, 1790, 1:56709

Thanks Library of KTU for copy of map. Copy made by A.Mošinskis in 1933-1935.

Map new territories assigned to Prussia from Poland between East and South Prussia on right bank the river Visla, Narew, Bug and Nemunas (1795, 1:530000), fragment map showing part Lithuania (Užnemunė), link

Map new territories assigned to Prussia from Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth between East and South Prussia on right bank the river Visla, Narew, Bug and Nemunas prepared by Prussian topographers in 1795 (after III Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795). Original name of map (in German) Carte vom dem zu Neust im Besitz genommenen Theil von Pohlen zwischen Ost – und Süd - Preussen dem rechten Ufer der Weichsel, Narew, Bug und Memel Strom.

Scale 1:530000, size - 77x66 cm. On map are shown populated places, roads, rivers and lakes.

New East Prussia

General view of Map new territories assigned to Prussia from Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth between East and South Prussia on right bank the river Visla, Narew, Bug and Nemunas, 1795, 1:530000

New East Prussia

Fragment of Map new territories assigned to Prussia from Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth between East and South Prussia on right bank the river Visla, Narew, Bug and Nemunas, 1795, 1:530000 (Vištytis, Vižainys, Liubavas, Kalvarija, Lazdijai)


Maps prepared by Bosnian regiment of the Prussian army in 1790-1791 on the territory of Lithuania Minor (East Prussia).
The French Revolution accelerated the development of military affairs in Europe. In the Prussian Kingdom in those years produced a large number of cartographic products. Even Frederick II ordered that during the movement of military drew maps, routes, and military action. Field sketches were prepared by the evil eye, maps were not very accurate. Many maps have survived to this day. Map named "Gegend von Litthauen längst der Polnischen Gränze, wo das Regim. Bosniacken cantoniert und den Ganz-Postierungs Cordon formirt"(Lithuania in Poland along - that the Lithuanian-Polish border, where the Bosnian regiment was stationed and reached the border cordon). Map has dimensions of 62x52 cm, scale - 1: 300000. creator - Lieutenant Schulz. On the map displayed territory of Lithuania Minor in bend of the river Sesupe (from Stalupehnen, Pillkallen, to the Polish-Lithuanian border). On the map detail displayed settlements, they are joined by means of communication. Localities of the Lithuanian origin, written in German transcription; on the map there are some towns also in the large Lithuania (Wirballen - Virbalis, Kibarten - Kybartai, Neustadt - Kudirkos Naumiestis). On the map there is no release date, but judging by the History of the Bosnian regiment we can determine that the map is issued in the year 1790-1791.

Lithuania in Poland along - that the Lithuanian-Polish border, where the Bosnian regiment was stationed and reached the border cordon
Fragment of map Gegend von Litthauen längst der Polnischen Gränze, wo das Regim. Bosniacken cantoniert und den Ganz-Postierungs Cordon formirt"(Lithuania in Poland along - that the Lithuanian-Polish border, where the Bosnian regiment was stationed and reached the border cordon), 1790-1791, 1:300000

Bosnian regiment was one of the many regiments formed of foreigners; in the regiment have served not only volunteers from Bosnia, but also Ukrainians, Cossacks, etc. In 1790-1791, the regiment was stationed in Lithuania Minor, in 1791, relocated to Goldap.

Bosnian regiment
Bosnian regiment, 1786

Another map, prepared by Bosnian regimant entitled "Ein Theil des cantonements Regiment Bosniacken" [gegend sudwestlichen Eydtkuhnen]. Scale 1:20000, size 46x58 cm; creator of map was Lieutenant Sierakowsky[j]; map published in  1790-1791. Map shows the area on the SW of Eydtkuhnen (now Chernyshevskoye) - Kinderweitschen, Lengwehnen (Lenkweiten), Romeiken, Escherkehmen, Schleuwen.

Lenkweiten 1790
Fragment of map named Ein Theil des cantonements Regiment Bosniacken, 1790, 1:20000, village Lenkweiten on the river Liepona (on the other bank of river - Lithuania)

Another map, prepared by Bosnian regiment, the map entitled "Ein Theil des cantonements des Koenigl. Preuss. Regiment Bosniacken in Monath July 1790" [gegend westlichen Eydtkuhnen] have accurately indicates the year and month of publication of map - in July 1790. Scale of map - 1:20000. Map shows the area east of Eydtkuhnen (now Chernyshevskoye) - Raudohnen, Paschicken, Absteinen, Kryschullen (Chrizullen), Eydtkuhnen, Wagohnen.

Eydtkuhnen 1790
Fragment of map "Ein Theil des cantonements des Koenigl. Preuss. Regiment Bosniacken in Monath July 1790", 1:20000, 1790, village Eydtkuhnen

L.: Povilas Reklaitis Prarastosios Lietuvos pėdsakų beieškant. VDA leidykla 1999.
Map showing territories in North from Gumbinnen, 1:50000, 1790

Map showing territories in North from Gumbinnen (Gumbinė, Lazdynėliai, Gumbinen, Gumbinnen, Gusev, Гусев), in scale 1:50000 was created and published by Prussian cartographers in 1790. Map have dimensions 62x47 cm., map is colored. On map in details populated places (town, villages), net of roads, rivers and lakes, mills, woods showed. Relief was shown by shading.

Gumbinnen 1790

General view of  Map showing territories in North from Gumbinnen (1:50000, 1790)

Gumbinnen 1790

Fragment of  Map showing territories in North from Gumbinnen (1:50000, 1790), city Gumbinnen (Gumbinen)

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