26 JUN 2013
Posted by admin on 2013-06-26 21:05:11
N-35-5-V We methodized and added new information to section of RKKA (Рабоче-крестьянская Красная армия, Workers and Peasants Red Army) S1:50000 maps. Till WWII RKKA topographers prepared and published two editions of RKKA S1:50000 maps (territory of Lithuania). RKKA maps were prepared using material of old survey (0,5-verst, 1-verst survey) from Russian empire (till WWI) period, newest cartographic material (Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish maps).

Extended News
At chapter of RKKA 1:50000 maps we presenting 2 fragments of RKKA 1:50000 maps N-35-5-C (original in Cirilic N-35-5-В) of first (1931) and second (1940) editions of maps on the same territory (Lithuania, Zarasai district, village Aviliai).